Tuesday, September 10, 2019

NECA RODAN 2019 | Figure Review

Today we look at the final character to be brought to NECA'sGodzilla: King of the Monsters line. 
(Followed by one or two (maybe) repaints)

But before we can admire Rodan, there's something you should be aware of. The neck is upside down in the package and you'll need to rotate it the other way. Now we can admire Rodan.

I think Rodan is sculpted very nicely. The head may be small but a lot of the details really stand out. I'm surprised the eyes came out looking as well as they did.

I'm jumping the gun a bit on accessories, but Rodan also has an extra open mouth head. I don't remember Rodan having a black tongue, pretty sure it was flesh colored. The teeth are a nice touch though.

The body has a nice rough texture to it and the torso is appropriately spiky.
The wings are really cool, looking like hardened magma.

One thing I'm a little iffy on is the tail. I thought it should've been a triangle shape, I feel that would look a lot better and make the wings blend a little better.

NECA's Rodan seems to go with more of a brown color with red orange highlights (some figures may be painted differently than others). The main color is present all over the figure and that's sort of a problem. Aside from the edges of the wings, no part of Rodan really sticks out. This coloring would have been appropriate to use for the beak, horns and claws and then maybe use a slightly lighter color for the base of the body.
There's also these yellow spots scattered on the wings. I think they're supposed to be embers coming off of him while he's flying? I dunno...

One really cool thing about Rodan is that if you put a light against his wings, you'll notice that they are translucent to look all fiery and awesome. That's a really nice touch!

The reason this review took so long to get out is because my first Rodan figure had a broken wing, snapped right off at the hand. Now, NECA figures are fragile enough as they are and should always be handled with care and Rodan should be even more so. His wings are very thin and can very easily snap. Avoid the rough play and keep it as a display piece.

There's not a whole lot of articulation on Rodan, given the size of the figure, adding joints to the mouth and legs would have been difficult if not impossible.

But for what we get, it's pretty decent. The head and neck can look left, right, up and rotate
Leg movement is okay, they can move forward and when they are back they can move outward.
The wings are what we are all here for though. Sad to say, they cannot go all the way up, they can move a little bit but DO NOT try to force them up. They can be moved down as well and they can even rotate at the body. The wings can be folded up and when fully expanded, the wingspan is 13 inches wide.

As for accessories, well we already talked about the other head. We also have a very nice display stand meant to look like Isla De Mara's Outpost 32 as it's erupting during Rodan's escape. When placed on the stand, it holds Rodan in place very well and now it falls to you to pose him however you like.

Overall, I do have my nitpicks with this figure in terms of design and paint, but I am willing to give them a pass and say that NECA did do a good job with their 2019 Rodan figure. And he fits very nicely with the other King of the Monsters figures, get him while you can.

Your move, SH MonsterArts.

Till next time, I have been your host Gryphon
and thank you for joining me here in my lair.
So long...

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Thanks for reading!


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