Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Let's Look At: NECA GODZILLA V3 (2019)

Ah, retail exclusive figures...
I'm certainly no stranger to them, it can be nerve racking trying to find them either in the respective store or maybe you get lucky and find someone on ebay who isn't a scumbag. 
This was an unexpected surprise from NECA at SDCC and it was an even bigger surprise when NECA announced that it would be exclusively sold at Target. While some were lucky to have gotten their Burning Godzilla figures early, I was not. I looked at many Targets and had no luck. 
I was one of the few who was lucky enough to order theirs from Target's website. I didn't find it in stores until days after I received it on my porch.  

If you're trying to get one, be patient, scour stores in your area when you can, ask the workers. 
Also, HERE'S A LINK to order it online if it becomes available again. 
At this point you'll probably have better luck obtaining this figure than you will the SH MonsterArts Poster Version of Godzilla 2019. 

This is the second repaint of NECA's 2019 Godzilla following the V2 release. Now comes the "Version 3" or Burning Godzilla if you prefer. While it may not be 100% screen accurate to his appearance in 'King of the Monsters' this figure has a very impressive flair to it!
The figure is made entirely out of a translucent plastic and if you shine light through the body, you can see the hinges and joints used for the articulation.

The entire body is covered in a mix of red orange with black patches scattered about to make the skin pop out. I think the paint looks amazing overall. I don't even mind the random orange stripes going down the side, I kinda wish there were a few more just to make Godzilla look even more like a walking volcano. 
Also the eyes are a nice bright orange color and are nicely aligned with each other. Amazing, right?!

As for the dorsal fins, I think they look great as well and I love how the outer row is painted a differently than the center row, that's a nice touch. But I want to highlight an issue. 
When I opened up the flap of the box, I noticed that on the side I was looking at the outer fins had the lighter orange paint on them, very unevenly as well. 
Turn the figure to the other side however...the paint is a lot more consistent. I ordered this figure online so I guess this is on me, but that'll be something to consider before purchasing. 

Regardless of the minor QC issue, this is still a fantastic figure. It might be my favorite Godzilla 2019 figure made by NECA.
Weather for yourself or even anyone who might want it as a Christmas present this year, if you're persistent enough, this figure can be yours. The MSRP is about $25, that's how much you should be paying for it. DO NOT pay more than twice that cost!

Lord only knows what hoops we'll have to jump through to get an SHMA Burning Godzilla.
What do you mean it's a wide release?

Till next time, I have been your host Gryphon
and thank you for joining me here in my lair.
So long...

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Thanks for reading!


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