Sunday, June 16, 2019

NECA MOTHRA 2019 & V2 "Poster Version" | Figure Review

I can't begin to describe my excitement when I found out that NECA had been thrown a bone and given permission to produce more figures in their Godzilla line that weren't Godzilla. And who better to start with then the Queen of the Monsters herself?

Mothra has the most radical redesign out of the main four Titans. Godzilla may have gotten bigger, but Mothra got smaller. You've probably seen pictures of this figure online and they make Mothra look bigger than she actually is. From head to abdomen her body measures just under 1.5 inches. She's only a little bit bigger than an actual Moth!!!
Actually, I like that about this figure and it does fit in accurate scale with Godzilla.
Despite being so small, the sculpt and paint on Mothra is pretty good. Her head details are minimal and I feel like NECA could have added a bit more black for the mouth, but I still think it looks nice. Let's be real here, at this scale, fur would be difficult to sculpt. Plus, I'm surprised her eyes look as good as they do. Her antenna are sculpted into the back of her head, which was probably the only way they could be added without having them stick out and risk getting damaged.
The rest of her body is very nice, the legs are painted very well and the abdomen has a nice sculpt. As I said before, I feel like I'm looking at an actual insect.
Mothra's wings are absolutely what will grab most peoples attention. Her wingspan is about 12.5 inches and the wings themselves look beautiful, an awesome update to the original design. The patterns don't exactly match, but I didn't expect them to, honestly.
Part of the wings are made from a translucent plastic which looks really cool when hit with light.
Articulation on Mothra is very minimal.

4 of her legs can move forward and backward. And should they pop off while doing so, it should be no problem to reattach them.

And her wings can move up and down as much as I show in the pictures. They cannot rotate at the joints, I tried (very carefully, mind you) to twist them and they would not go. And I don't recommend you try either.

Mothra comes with a flight stand. In order to get her on it, you'll have to wedge her waist into the gap on top of the stand like how I'm showing in the pictures I've included.
Once you have her in, Mothra stays in place. I do wish we had gotten more of an adjustable rod to get some really dynamic poses for Mothra.
 The base of the stand is nice though.

She may be quite smol, but NECA'S 2019 Mothra is a big surprise. Another great release in their King of the Monsters line. I really think NECA should release another Mothra figure with her wings painted blue to imitate her hatching scene. Maybe that one will come with a larva this time.

UPDATE - September 9, 2019

NECA MOTHRA 2019 V2 ("Poster Version")

While I'd love to give myself bragging rights for predicting this figure, it was pretty much an inevitable release. 
Still no larva though...

This Mothra figure is based on both her character poster and her hatching scene in 2019's 'Godzilla: King of the Monsters' and while it captures that appearance very nicely, it also makes Mothra look a lot more edgier than usual. Just sayin', I can't look at this figure and not hear a heavy metal version of Yuji Koseki's theme playing. 
Or maybe Evanescence.
I especially love how the eyes stand out. 
V2 Mothra retains the translucent plastic from the first release and look great with the right lighting. 

The joints on this figures wings seem to be tighter than the original figure. 

The included base is pretty much the same as the first Mothra figure, however the egg is in a different position and features a darker paint scheme. 

Overall, I think this figure is a fantastic companion piece to the original Mothra figure and a welcome addition to any King of the Monsters figure collection. 

Till next time, I have been your host Gryphon
and thank you for joining me here in my lair.
So long...

I hope you have enjoyed reading this and if you would like to see more from The Gryphon's Lair, be sure to give my Facebook page a 'LIKE' to see updates and other related stuff. 
Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

NECA GODZILLA 2019 | Figure Review

NECA has been rolling out their King of the Monsters figures starting in May with a standard Godzilla.
I know this has taken a little while for me to get to. Hell, I'm expecting the NECA Mothra to show up at my lair any day now. The reason being I needed to take a bit of time after I saw 'Godzilla: King of the Monsters' 3 times in theaters, collect my thoughts and get that review done.
(Which you can read RIGHT HERE)

But now that that's out of the way, lets get to NECA's latest offering of the Big G!

Back when NECA released their first Godzilla figure from the Legendary Pictures movie in 2014, I liked it overall, but it left me wanting in certain areas. In some ways the 2019 figure improves on those issues and it also doesn't.

Let's start with the gorilla mammoth in the room. The head.

Eyes for the most part look aligned pretty well, but I think it's a little off putting that the majority of Legendary Godzilla figures I've seen have yellow around the pupils where this one has white, making it look like weird fish eyes. It only gets weirder if you look at them really close up, from a distance however it's not that terrible.
The mouth is the biggest shortcoming of the figure for me. The paint on the lower lip is a bit sloppy and the teeth (or lack thereof) are really distracting to me.
Admittedly, this was also a problem with the 2014 figure.
The fact that all of the inside of the mouth isn't painted is also off putting to me.

However, the rest of the figure is pretty solid. Despite initial fears that this figure would simply be a modified 2014 sculpt, this is an entirely new sculpted figure.
From head to tail, Godzilla's skin detail looks really nice and the lighter grey skin tone with a light brown wash really makes it pop. 

The dorsal fins looks a lot better than the 2014 figure, just because there is actual texture to them. A few people are actually saying the dorsal fins are oversized, maybe a bit but not distractedly though. 

Godzilla's articulation remains largely unchanged from the 2014 figure, but with one major exception.

Godzilla's head can look down slightly, move left and right. It can't look up to shoot atomic breath unfortunately. 

The neck has rotation, but is hindered by the sculpt of the dorsal fins unless you move it forward before turning.

The arms have a great range of movement, and a new hinge has been added for the hands.

The body can move forward at the waist but it requires a bit of effort, effort that could also lead to puncturing your hands.
It can also rotate.

The legs move forward and backward, bend at the knee and the feet can rotate and pivot.

To go off on a bit of a tangent: I know most NECA figures have peg holes in the bottom of the feet to insert their figure stands for better balance, but I've never understood why the Godzilla figures need them. Who needs figure stands when you've got a large tail balancing your body?

Speaking of tails, NECA has continued to add multi jointed tail pieces in place of rubber bendy wire tips, a change I and many other fans appreciate dearly. The tail has 10 points of movement and flows very nicely.

The instructions included with the figure recommend you dip the tail piece in warm water before attaching it. Personally
, I didn't need hot water or even a hair dryer, I just pressed and wiggled the tail in with no problem.

Godzilla comes with no accessories unless you count the backdrop inside the box.

As much as I'm very much looking forward to the SH MonsterArts figure, I rather like 
the NECA version it a lot. At around $22, it's worth all those pennies despite the head issues. For Godzilla fans on a budget (or not), or NECA collectors in general, this is a pretty solid figure.

BTW, what happened to making more 24 inch Godzilla figures?

Till next time, I have been your host Gryphon
and thank you for joining me here in my lair.
So long...

I hope you have enjoyed reading this and if you would like to see more from The Gryphon's Lair, be sure to give my Facebook page a 'LIKE' to see updates and other related stuff. 
Thanks for reading!

Saturday, June 8, 2019

GODZILLA: KING OF THE MONSTERS | Gryphon's First Impressions


Ever since the after credits scene from 'Kong: Skull Island', my hype meter for this movie shot a hole in the sky.

Originally, Gareth Edwards was expected to direct a whole trilogy of Godzilla films but certain unexpected happenings forced these plans to be altered significantly. Edwards became busy working on the film 'Rouge One' and chose to not return for the sequel. Then, Legendary pictures obtained the rights to a certain other monster and chose to work on a film that would bring them together.
Stepping in to direct the follow up to the 2014 film was Michael Dougherty, who previously directed horror films Trick R Treat and Krampus. Not only did he already have experience with monsters but in the years leading up to the release of King of the Monsters, he made it clear that he was a die-hard Godzilla fan. Our boy was in good hands, but did it come together in the end?

The answer is yes. Oh. my. God. Zilla!
This movie absolutely delivers the goods in terms what you'd expect from a Godzilla movie.

An eco-terrorist group kidnaps a Monarch scientist who has invented a device that sends out frequencies capable of calling out to and calming down the newly discovered monsters, now dubbed 'Titans'. They use it to awaken one of the more deadlier Titans dubbed 'Monster Zero' or Ghidorah, this gets the attention of Godzilla who immediately takes a dislike to him as well as other Titans around the world including Mothra and Rodan. It becomes a race against time for Monarch to figure out how to defeat Ghidorah and save the planet from complete annihilation.

Before this, I had only ever seen a handful of Godzilla movies in theaters. Mostly solo ventures like the original 1954 film and Shin Godzilla, 2014 comes out and I finally get to see the Big G fighting other monsters on a big screen. But as much as it wet my appetite, it still left me and many more fans wanting, wanting more fights and the inclusion of classic monsters from the now 65 year history of the series.
And I feel King of the Monsters granted our wishes.

Finally getting to see Mothra, Rodan and King Ghidorah on the big screen was such a delight. Their redesigns are all great, their personalities are on point and I found the scenes with them and every other monster simply breathtaking.
The fighting in this movie retains most of the same POV style shots from the previous film while adding even more dynamic shots of the monsters in action. Much of the time, our human characters are caught right in the middle of the fights and it raises both the tension of not only which monster, but which humans will survive the chaos.
And no, I don't care if it's in the dark or the rain, I just love seeing monsters fight, no matter the environment.
Seeing Godzilla and Ghidorah fight is always amazing, but what was even more surprising was seeing Mothra and Rodan engage in battle with each other, something that has never been seen before.

If I had a gripe with one of the monsters it would be with Rodan. Don't misunderstand me, I loved Rodan in the movie. However, unlike Godzilla, Mothra and Ghidorah, who all had their signature roars updated, I missed hearing Rodan's trademark cawing from the original series. Instead, he just makes generic monster sounds, I think they even reused a MUTO roar.

True Godzilla fans will be sure to spot every little easter egg sprinkled throughout the film. Especially the outpost numbers, names of the titans and a certain message on a protest sign. 

I'm sure this has been said a million times already, but I FREAKIN' LOVE the soundtrack for this film.
I gotta be honest, I was not begging for some of the original Ifukube scores to be used for this movie. I was perfectly fine with the music from the last movie, but Bear McCreary's music has the same epic, primal feel from the last movie, cranks it up to 11 and adds some awesome renditions of classic themes. And they even threw in a new version of the Blue Oyster Cult song.
Much of the original music is great as well, especially the themes for Rodan and Ghidorah. 

Now the time was come to talk about the most criticized part of this movie, the human characters.

For what they are worth, I think the human characters are all good. Millie Bobby Brown does great in her first film role, Ken Watanabe gives a masterful performance as always and the rest of the characters all act in ways that I feel would be realistic in this films universe.
I loved that they included a brief appearance from Houston Brooks from Kong: Skull Island.
As long as monster movies exist, there need to be humans in them to explain the plot and move the story forward. Sure a few of them say a few bad jokes, but that doesn't drag the quality of the film over all for me. Even if the characters are 2 dimensional, I still can't bring myself to hate them.

But sadly, it looks like most people do. The majority of reviews I've seen for King of the Monsters seems to have affected the box office performance of the film, putting the future of the MonsterVerse into uncertainty after Godzilla vs Kong. 
However, I do not wish to judge the opinions of other reviewers and fans thoughts on this particular part of the film, I'm just here to give my thoughts on the matter.
I do however wish to bring up one comment made by someone I know. They said that they wanted to go watch 'Shin Godzilla' again because that movie actually meant something.
That got me thinking, does King of the Monsters have any meaning other than watching giant monsters beating the crap out of each other?
Godzilla 1954 was metaphor for nuclear destruction, Shin Godzilla was a commentary on the response to a natural disaster by the government and even Godzilla 2014 was about citizens and government officials reacting to a disaster.
But what about KOTM?
Let's look at the story. The monsters from the start have been used as metaphors for natures wrath or weapons of mass destruction. Emma Russell using the Orca device to, more or less, control the Titans can be likened to such weapons falling into the wrong hands.
Think about what would happen if all nations just decided to attack each other with their biggest, most powerful weapons. The planet would be completely devastated and most of humanity would cease to exist, but eventually, the planet would move on and begin anew. Replace those weapons with giant monsters and that's more or less what happens in this movie. 
But that's just my view on the subject.

This movie is a love letter to all Godzilla fans, I can count multiple times where I was smiling like a kid during it. It's got the dynamic violence, savage action and spectacular thrills I hoped it would. As of this, I've seen the movie 3 times in theaters and it has not gotten old yet.
Michael Dougherty is clearly a huge fan of the series and the amount of effort and care he put into King of the Monsters shows in abundance. If you are a big Godzilla fan, ignore the professional reviews and give King of the Monsters your time. I promise you will not regret it. See it on a big screen and be sure to stay till the end of the credits.

If I had anything else to say, it'd probably be: Good luck, Kong. you'll need it...

Till next time, I have been your host Gryphon
and thank you for joining me here in my Lair.
So long...

I hope you have enjoyed reading this and if you would like to see more from The Gryphon's Lair, be sure to give my Facebook page a 'LIKE' to see updates and other related stuff. 
Thanks for reading!


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