When 'Shin Godzilla' premiered at an Alamo Drafthouse theater in New York, NECA also had a table with all of their Godzilla figures set up, including one based off the newest incarnation from the film. For the most part, people got really excited about it, myself included.
As the months went on, more pictures were released showing off the figure in all it's detail. And people began to be skeptical about it, claiming the head was disproportionate, the paint was off and just general comments about how NECA is somehow inferior to SH Monster Arts.
One comment you may have heard from other reviewers and collectors is that this figure looks a lot better out of the package and they're right. After opening the package, assembling the tail and really examining it, I really like this figure.
Like I said before, this is a hard design to duplicate and nowhere is that more evident then in the head. In the movie, Godzilla has multiple rows of teeth going in all kinds of directions and sometimes not even from the gums. You can see a lot of teeth sticking out and while there may not be a lot of them, I still think it looks pretty good and the head is pretty decently sized.
And the rest of the body ain't to shabby either.
But the big thing that stands out is the paint work. Godzilla here looks to have a good balance of red orange spots throughout the body and the figure itself has a wet glossy look to it.
The dorsal fins are sculpted nicely although I think some of them may have too much red on them. Although that's something I can probably fix myself. One thing unusual about this figure is that the second rows of dorsal fins are not symmetrical, this was probably a creative choice on NECA's part.
As for the tail, this figure is advertised as a 12 Inch Head-to-Tail figure, except it ain't. I'd say more 16 Inches. The tail looks good for the most part, the problem comes from the tip though. The way it's sculpted, you really cant see the supposed face on the end. I think it should've been a lighter color and the black paint on it does not fit. Also there are these weird yellow paint patches on the underside, I have no idea what that was about.
I consider the tip of the tail to be the weakest aspect of the figure overall. However, clever collectors have found a way to get around this issue by repainting it themselves. I myself might try it sometime.
Time to talk about Shin Godzilla's articulation.
The head can be made to look up and down, look left to right and rotate. You may end up popping the head off of the neck while doing this, luckily you can easily reattach it to the conviently attached ball joint. The mouth can open super wide too.
Godzilla's neck can tilt from side to side and move down to emulate the scene where Godzilla first prepares to fire his atomic breath. The neck can also rotate.
On my figure, I can rotate my figure at the waist and I can sort of bend him forward but he doesn't go very far.
Godzilla's arms can rotate and bend at the sholders, elbows and wrists.
His legs can rotate at the hip and can move outward and inward slightly. This figure probably has the easily bendable knees I've seen on a NECA Godzilla figure so far. The feet rotate, bend up and down a bit and pivot from left to right.
Godzilla's tail is made up of 5 different segments and all of them can be positioned left to right and down. Moving the tail from left to right looks alright but having the tail completely down on the ground just looks awkward. I personally like to keep it in the upright position.Also the bendy wire in tail does not hold.
Unlike the SH MonsterArts figure, the NECA Shin Godzilla figure is your standard 6 inches which is in scale with the other NECA Godzilla's
As well as your 6 inch Bandai figures.
And you can't forget SH MonsterArts.

With a very good looking paint job, minor issues I could easily fix myself, I'd say this is now my third favorite NECA Godzilla figure. (My second favorite is the 24 inch 2014 Godzilla and the first is the 1954 Godzilla).
If you would like to own this figure then you could look for it at Toy's R Us or BigBadToyStore.
Or if you want to add a little more Godzilla/Kaiju related awesomeness to your life, then you should definitely consider backing the second KAIJU BOX!
Not only will it come with the NECA Shin Godzilla, but a bunch of other Godzilla/Kaiju related goodies, if you want an example of what could come from the box, be sure to check out my previous Kaiju Box post:
This is truly a unique opportunity and trust me when I say that it's well worth it. You can find the link to the Kaiju Box IndieGogo page below and join the destruction
Till next time, I have been your host Gryphon
and I hope you've enjoyed your time here in my lair.
So long...
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