Friday, September 30, 2016


And now, it's RANT TIME: w/ Gryphon!

How did Jakks Pacific miss this? How can they advertise a figure from one of the most popular games of all time and then use the wrong character to represent it? They used the correct version of Link to represent both the Ocarina of Time Link and Shiek figures from previous waves, so now that we finally get a figure based off of the titular, Princess Zelda....WHAT HAPPENED?!? 
This is especially offensive to me since I myself am not a big fan of Wind Waker and I hate seeing it shoved in my face all the time by any Legend of Zelda-related advertisement. 
Lord help them if they ever do an Ocarina of Time Ganondorf figure!

This has been: RANT TIME: w/ Gryphon
 You may now proceed to the review.

One other area of figures I've been trying to build a collection of is Video Game characters. Particularly from the 'Sonic the Hedgehog' and 'The Legend of Zelda' series. That's where Jakks Pacific and their 'World of Nintendo' line comes in, they had made some pretty good Link figures, but I wanted to see a figure of Princess Zelda. One had been teased for a while and I was left to sit and wonder when or if it would ever come out.  

Well, it just randomly came out much to my surprise.
And oh boy is this figure is OK.

I think this may be the first time I called a figure just "OK".

Princess Zelda has a decent head sculpt, very nice looking eyes and her ears look great too. The hair also looks nicely detailed.
Her upper body though is OK. The thing that stands out the most is her armor, I think if they went with a more gold-ish yellow it would look better.
The detailing on the armor is fine on the shoulder pads and barely average on the chest piece.

I do like how there are folds on her torso, that was a nice touch.
The belt is just kinda there, with no other details sculpted into it.
But the bottom part of her dress looks very well done. The tabard (that long banner looking thing on the front) is by far the best looking thing on this figure, the small patterns painted on all look very well done.

Princess Zelda can move her head to the left and the right, but thanks to her hair, she cant rotate all the way around.
Her shoulder pieces prevent her arms from making a full rotation, but she can move them forward and backward a bit, and they can be moved up from the side.
Her elbows and hands can bend and rotate to create a variety of different poses.

Princess Zelda has no legs apparently. 
Princess Zelda also comes with one accessory, the Ocarina of Time. It looks pretty accurate to how it looked in the game, except that the triangles aren't painted yellow. And I think it has the correct number of holes. 
Getting Princess Zelda to hold the Ocarina in her hands can be a tricky process and she can't just grip it in one hand.
Left: Shadow Link, Ocarina of Time Link. Right: Sheik.
Princess Zelda does look very good standing next to some of the other Legend of Zelda figures from Jakks Pacific.

Probably not a fair comparison, but here is the Princess next to the Figma Skyward Sword Link.
I recommend this figure only for Zelda fans and figure collectors, but don't pay more than $20 for it.
As far as the first Princess Zelda figure from Jakks Pacific, it's an average start. I do wonder what a Figma of her would look like thou-

OH MY.....

Till next time, I have been your host Gryphon
and I hope you've enjoyed your time here in my lair.
So long...

If you would like to see more from The Gryphon's Lair, Be sure to give my FB page a 'LIKE' to see updates and other related stuff. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


The first figure review I did was for NECA's 1954 Godzilla, I figure I deemed amazing and I still do today. Still, in the back of my head I wondered to myself what Tamashii Nations could do with the 1954 design.
Well, here's the answer!

And yes, I am just now getting this figure as opposed to some other people who got it as early as July. There were some who even got the new 'Return of Godzilla' Blu-ray early, now that's ridiculous!

But anyway, how is the 1954 SHMA figure? In a word, Pretty Incredible! But would you expect anything less from them?
At first I was a little worried because of the size of the figures head. I don't know why, but every time I would see a picture of this guy, I always thought the head looked a little puny in comparison to the rest of the figure.

Actually seeing the figure in person put those fears to bed pretty quickly. It looks nice and I am very impressed with the detailed sculpt on this figure. 

And the paint application looks spot on as well, it has the standard charcoal black with a few lighter grey blemishes around it.The hands really stand out against the rest of the figure to me, maybe because Godzilla's claws aren't painted at all. His toenails have a fine white shading to them, so why weren't his claws given the same treatment?
 As far as the eye issue is concerned, the right eye on mine is just a bit off-centered, but not enough to where it's going to bother me for days.

And the dorsal fins are nicely painted and are sculpted pretty good. I do have one little grip with them, but let's get to that later.
How's the articulation?

Starting from the top, Godzilla 1954 has a very articulated neck, allowing it to lean pretty far left, right and down. Godzilla's head can look up really high, but whenever I do that with mine, the head likes to pop off.
But it's still pretty cool that I am able to pose this incarnation of Godzilla in ways that I've never seen in the original film.
The arms on mine are a bit stiff at the shoulders, but they can spin all the way around, they can move left and right at the elbow, as well as bend and the hand can twist and move around slightly.

The legs can move forward and backward, bend at the knee and the feet can turn and pivot very nicely.

Godzilla can also bend forward at the torso and lean to the left and right a bit.
However that brings up one issue that these SHMA figures just can't seem to escape for some reason, the fin gap. While it's not as bad as the 1964 figure's gap, I still find it distracting. If that one fin on the middle body piece had just been moved down a few more degrees, it probably would look better to me.
Tail movement continues to be consistently fluid and perfect. One thing I did notice is that most Godzilla figures have the individual segments of their tails on ball joints, and while that is mostly true for 1954's, the end of the tail is a bit of a larger solid piece than usual. But at least it isn't snapping off like some of the other figures do.-cough-GMK-cough-
Godzilla 1954 unfortunately, does not come with any accessories. That's a pretty big missed opportunity, there could have been an added an effect piece that mimics his atomic breath as seen in the original film. Maybe even a model of the Oxygen Destroyer?
But if you want to give your 1954 Godzilla a beam effect, I recommend using the SHMA 1964 Emergence Version beam, since it looks closest to it and can actually fit inside 1954's mouth.

Speaking of which, it's kinda weird seeing this figure next to the 1964 figure. I actually expected 1954 to be around the same height, but instead, it stands around the same height as the other Godzilla's.
Left to Right: SHMA Godzilla (Birth Version), SHMA Godzilla 1954, SHMA Godzilla 2001, SHMA Godzilla 2014 (Spit Fire Version).

Left: SHMA Gamera. Right: SHMA King Kong.
Left: NECA Ultimate Lady Danger. Right: NECA Ultimate Striker Eureka.
"THAT'S what I look like in the new film?!?!?!!"

Your probably expecting me to say weather I prefer this over the NECA figure or vice-versa, right?

Well, you'll have to be disappointed. I'm not gonna say which one I prefer over the other, I'm just gonna say that I have 2, awesome, very well made 1954 Godzilla figures that are at least 20 steps above Bandai Creation and their "first godzilla" figure. And that makes me very happy. 

It's very nice to see the window packaging return.

I give this figure a very high recommendation. Go ahead and grab it for your collection if you can find a good deal on it, you will not be sorry.
Hail to the original King!

Till next time, I have been your host Gryphon
and I hope you've enjoyed your time here in my lair.
So long...

If you would like to see more from The Gryphon's Lair, Be sure to give my FB page a 'LIKE' to see updates and other related stuff. Thanks for reading!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Musings from the Lair - #1 (09/15/2016)

There have been quite a few SH MonsterArts related news released as of late. Not only are we getting a re-release of Destoroyah with a darker color scheme, but a re-release of Mechagodzilla 2 with the Garuda included allowing you to create Super Mechagodzilla!

This a big deal for those who may have missed out on these figures when they first came out and for Tamashii Nations themselves.
Thing is, the Garuda was originally a separate release as well as a Web Exclusive, and Tamashii never re-releases their Web Exclusive figures. But from what I've read, Web Exclusives can be re-released as long as they are not just the same figure being released. So including it Mechagodzilla 2 makes it possible.
And that got me thinking, that opens the door to other re-release options. Particularly: 

Biollante, being one of the most popular and sought after figures in the SH MonsterArts line has seen major price hikes in recent months, much to the dismay of collectors. 
But I think with a few changes to the original, it can be put back on the market for a fair price. Maybe take out the light-up feature, give her a bolder paint job and include an effect piece that resembles her radioactive sap spray.
I bet that'd make Kaiju Kidd happy!
(Speaking of which, if there are any fans of Super Sentai and Kamen Rider reading this, go check Kaiju Kidd's blog right here: Team Kaiju's Toku Review)

With all the SH MonsterArts goodness coming out does that mean I'll be reviewing them? Well...

I love me some SH MonsterArts, maybe a little too much. As you can see from the pic above, my space for them is already pretty full and it'd be kinda hard to fit a Destoroyah in there. King Ghidorah is already pushing it a little.
And there's the issue of actually purchasing them. I'm not some big reviewer who gets these figures sent to me by companies for the sake of reviewing them, I buy all of them myself.
I would love to do reviews for all the SHMA figures coming out and I have a pretty fair paying job, but it's still a big chunk out of my bank account. While trying to figure out what to do about this, I think I've come up with a solution: I may end up selling the figures I buy after I review them and the money I get from selling them would either go towards the next SHMA figure or any personal need that my come up in the future, that way I can attempt to keep my finances stable and keep giving The Gryphon's Lair content.
And when I do put a figure up for sale, I'll be sure to advertise it on my Facebook page HERE in case you may want to get your hands on it, so be alert!

And speaking of reviews, the next one I got planned is the SH Monster Arts 1954 Godzilla, since I didn't get it early like some people did because I happen to know the meaning of patience. So expect that...soon.

Till next time, I have been your host Gryphon
and I hope you've enjoyed your time here in my lair.
So long...

If you would like to see more from The Gryphon's Lair, Be sure to give my FB page a 'LIKE' to see updates and other related stuff. Thanks for reading!


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