Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Striker Eureka is not a master of Rock, Paper, Scissors.

In addition to being a huge Godzilla fan, I also have a passion for the 2013 movie 'Pacific Rim' and have a collection of the figures based on the movie from NECA. 

The first Striker Eureka (left) was released in the second wave of figures in October of 2013 (with a re-issue in June 2014). Then in April 2014, an 18 inch figure was released featuring greater detail and an improved sculpt, as well as light-up features. I myself however do not own any of the 18 inch Pacific Rim figures, mostly due to budget and space reasons. And now we have the newly released Ultimate Striker Eureka, which is essentially a smaller version of the 18 inch version minus the light up feature.
I gotta say, NECA did superb job on this Striker Eureka! 
The detail on Striker is simply astounding. Nowhere is that way more apparent than in the upper body, there are individual panels and added pieces and whereas the original figure had the incorrect insignia '2-01' on the left side of the chest, the Ultimate figure has the correct 'GN006' as seen in the film. They even managed to make the awesome logo with a bulldog chomping a missile look really cool despite being tiny. Overall the paint looks better and more accurate on Ultimate, The yellowish white pieces placed around the metallic blue body, as well as weathering effects really helps it stand out. It also has a few small touches of blue and red.
The articulation is pretty much the same as the original with a few changes. On the original, the head could barely move. Ultimate's head has a much wider range of movement, it can spin around a full 360 degrees and can look down, but not up. The Arms move in, out and can rotate at the shoulder, one new addition is rotation at the elbow. Also his hands can move forward and rotate at the wrist.
The torso articulation is alright, he can bend forward and side to side a bit and can turn left and right, but not all the way around.
One of the neatest features is that the Sting Blades actually can retract into the sides of Strikers arm piece. The blades can also be removed and reattached.
Detail on the legs also looks good despite a bit of paint slop on the red around the pelvic joints. But the legs can move forward and back, bend at the knees, and there is even rotation at the hips and knees. The feet can pivot really nicely, I bet that'll make ShartimusPrime happy.

Upon opening the figure it does require some assembly with the wing pieces, simply press them into the corresponding peg holes. 

Striker Eureka's wonderful accessories! Anti-Kaiju Missiles, Nuclear Payload piece and Missile Launcher chest attachment.

Here's a better look at the missile launcher chest piece.
You'll have to use your fingernail to remove the original chest piece and pop in the launcher.

Closer look at the missiles. 

The amount of possibilities for missile placement is countless, but no matter how you do it the effect looks great.
As for the Nuclear Payload piece, it looks great as well. And it attaches nicely into the peg hole located on the back. For the best results, I'd recommend removing the wings first and then twisting the payload piece in. Side note: do not hold the piece by the ends or you may risk breaking them off! Instead, handle it by holding the sides of the middle part. Reattach the wings, and Striker is ready for Operation Pitfall.

The Payload does add a bit of weight to Striker's back so unless you pose his legs just right, don't be surprised if he falls over.

Striker and 3 other Jaeger figures.

Comparison with 2 of Strikers opponents: Otachi and Leatherback

And standing next to 2 Godzilla figures

If there's one more thing I can praise about this figure it would be the FANTASTIC packaging! Which uses 2 of Striker's character posters from Pacific Rim's marketing campaign, while the window box flap contains a nice looking schematic of the Jaeger. This is some of the best packaging I've seen on a figure in a long time, NECA is really knocking these out of the park. I hope along with the newly announced Ultimate Lady Danger we also get Ultimate releases of Crimson Typhoon and Cherno Alpha.

In the end, if the first Striker Eureka figure didn't do it for ya, I guarantee that this one most definitely will. This is a superb addition to NECA's Pacific Rim line, and I can't wait to see more. I'm especially looking forward to the Mutavore figure coming out very soon, a perfect companion to this Striker. Look forward to that review.

Till next time, I have been your host Gryphon
and I hope you've enjoyed your time here in my lair.
So long...

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