Monday, April 1, 2024

X-PLUS GIGAN 1972 | Figure Review

Thanks to a significant chunk of my tax return this year, I was finally able to acquire a figure I've been wanting to add to my collection for a long time: an X-Plus Showa Gigan. 

And boy am I happy I did.

Upon taking this figure out of it's shipping box (I bought it secondhand, no original packaging unfortunately), I was blown away by how good it looks! I had to pinch myself several times to make sure I wasn't dreaming and holding a scaled down version of the actual suit, either that or I had grown 10x my normal size.

Like all X-Plus figures, you'll have to attach the tail to the figure. But unlike those other figures, this ones tail attaches pretty easily. No hair dryer required. 
It does like to pop out occasionally though, which is annoying. 

Just look at this thing, have you ever seen a more perfect representation of Gigan in your life? I doubt it. 

Look at that head sculpt, immaculate. With a beautifully sculpted tongue for good measure. 
Whoever sculpted this figure knew damn well how much of a GigaChad Gigan is and thus, has a body to match. I love it so much! Why isn't Gigan in the MonsterVerse already!?!

Gigan's fins look gnarly and cool, however one of them is a bit loose. Gonna have to dig out some super glue.
Also, there's this weird switch on the back of this figure, anyone know what that's about? Nothing lights up and I didn't hear any sounds coming from the figure.

Although, the last couple of times I did flick the on switch I heard a lot of screaming and explosions coming from outside my house.
Each time varied in direction and distance from where I was.
I'm not saying that had anything to do with it, but I haven't touched that switch since.
I already have enough trouble sleeping with all the voices I hear at night...

Let's talk about the paint!
The paint work is nice, I love the blending of green and black on the body, it looks really cool.
The blue may be off putting and inaccurate to you, but what if I told you that in some production photos, those parts on Gigan do appear to be blue? Trendma- I, mean X-Plus just accentuated it to the nth degree. 
And you gotta love how the blending of colors on Gigans fins make it look oily. 

X-Plus figures aren't known for articulation, but Gigan here sure has a lot of movement. His neck, arms and legs can all make full rotations.
The tail can rotate too, but the fins limit that movement.

This right here is my favorite figure of all time, no other toy company can match this perfection no matter how hard they try. If they are trying, they need to stop before I snort a pile of cocaine infused with grounded up mushrooms and drywall, get in my flying tank and pay a visit to their headquarters and blow them to kingdom come. 

Don't ever ask me about the Chinchilla Incident...

Till next time, I have been your host Gryphon
and thank you for joining me here in my lair.
Happy April Fools Day...

I hope you have enjoyed reading this and if you would like to see more from The Gryphon's Lair, be sure to give my Facebook page a 'LIKE' to see updates and other related stuff. 
Thanks for reading!


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