Tuesday, May 17, 2022


Netflix Release: March 4, 2021
Netflix Release: April 19, 2022

Many years after a series of Kaiju attacks overrun the continent of Australia, two siblings set out to find their parents after stumbling across a decommissioned training Jaeger. As they travel they encounter new threats and shocking secrets, some of which are beyond explanation.     

While the first Pacific Rim movie works as a stand alone film, there was more than enough room to expand on the world and continue the story. Most of the expanded material was limited to comic books until Pacific Rim: Uprising was released. 
There was talk of an animated Pacific Rim show in the time between the 2 films, but it was all talk and no action until November 2018 when an official announcement was made: an anime series was in the works.

Upon my first viewing of season one, I was confused by this series as it doesn't indicate how much time has passed since Pacific Rim: Uprising. Uprising ended with the proclamation that the Pan Pacific Defense Corp would take the fight to the Anteverse itself. However, as soon as the show starts, it throws at you the fact that Kaiju have all but wiped out the continent of Australia. Did the PPDC ever try to infiltrate the Anteverse? Or did the Kaiju attacks of Australia happen before they could attempt that?
But once I had gotten over my obsession with the plot details of this series, I slowly started to make sense of things and establish an understandable head cannon. 


Firstly, I want to say that I find this show to be better than Uprising.
One of the biggest problems I had with Uprising was that it tried to introduce too many characters, gave most of them no development and barely cared that one of them died in the final battle. 
This show smartly focuses on 2 lead characters while introducing more side characters in a much more organic way.
Our leads in question, Hayley and Taylor, are great. I'll admit it did take a few rewatches to warm up to Taylor in the first few episodes, he can come off as a jerk but you really have to consider the situation the character is in. 
Mei is a fascinating character. She has a rough edge and a dark past but she's not without her softer moments. 
My favorite character from this new show would have to be Loa, the Jaeger AI. Like Jarvis from Iron Man, Loa has some serious sass and the moment where she reveals that Atlas Destroyer doesn't have any weapons is one of the biggest "bruh" moments I've ever seen in any piece of media. 
Shane is a great villain. He's such an evil bastard but at the same time he's kind of fascinating, you can't take your eyes off him.
Taylor and Hayley also come across a boy who they name "Boy" (really) that comes off as an innocent kid, but you quickly realize there's much more to this kid.

This is also the perfect time to bring up the fact that this show isn't afraid to get heavy and serious. 
Yes, in a show about giant robots fighting giant monsters this show makes room for trauma and death. The impression I've gotten from some people who've seen anything Pacific Rim related is that this is a dumb concept that should only be fun and not try to shoehorn in any serious elements, an ideal that I wholeheartedly disagree with. It makes me wonder if anyone ever actually watched that first movie and paid attention to the story. 
Granted there are some lighter moments to this show to bring some levity, like Joel and the café dance scene. But this series is in a post apocalyptic setting, fun is not the main thing on the agenda.  

Also people apparently have a problem with the animation? I think it looks good, the CG may be a little janky in spots but I don't mind. It kinda reminds me of stop motion, do y'all not like art?

We only have a handful of Jaegers and Kaiju this time around and they are welcome additions to the series. Admittedly, I feel the Kaiju are a bit on the bland side with the exception of Copperhead whose design I love, also the Rippers are pretty cool. 
Atlas Destroyer is instantly iconic, Hunter Vertigo looks cool but then there's Apex. Apex is actually a Drone Jaeger from Uprising that goes rouge and acts on its own agenda, his design is awesome and I love him. 


Season 2 picks up immediately where the first season left off.
The show finally expands upon an aspect of the franchise that has only been hinted at in the films and only briefly touched upon in the comics, the people who worship the Kaiju. Introduced at the very end of Season 1, the Sisters are a terrifying cult looking to bring forth the 'Kaiju Messiah' who they believe to be Boy. 
I've always thought an interesting story could be told using this aspect and the story we got definitely delivers. 

If you liked Season 1, you'll really enjoy Season 2. It has more action and a lot more character drama. I mean, holy Hell is there character drama, enough to rival if not surpass the original film. 
The interactions between characters are enough to leave me on the edge of my seat. If you aren't left feeling at least a bit emotional during some of them, consider me surprised. Especially one particular scene in which the show warms your heart only to rip it out, throw it to the ground, stomp and spit all over it. I'm not gonna say what it is, you'll know it when you see it...

Aside from that moment of being shook, Season 2 had me hooked from beginning to end and made up for any meaningless gripes I may have had with the show. Still could have used more of the iconic Pacific Rim theme though. 

As long time Pacific Rim junkie, I can say that Pacific Rim: The Black is an excellent addition to the series. It might be my favorite piece of the franchise outside the original film. I'm not sure if interest in this show will reignite interest in making more Pacific Rim anime or even another movie, but I hope something more comes from this. There are still so many directions the story could go and I want to see the story of Pacific Rim wrapped up with a satisfying conclusion. 

Till next time, I have been your host Gryphon
and thank you for joining me here in my lair.
So long...

I hope you have enjoyed reading this and if you would like to see more from The Gryphon's Lair, be sure to give my Facebook page a 'LIKE' to see updates and other related stuff. 
Thanks for reading!

Friday, May 13, 2022

SH MONSTERARTS GODZILLA (2004) | Figure Review

I remember the first Godzilla figure I ever bought for myself in 2008. I went to Toys "R" Us with leftover graduation money and picked up a Bandai Creation Godzilla 2004, along with a 2004 Gigan. I like to collect figures of my favorite monsters from as many figure lines as I can and as long as I've had my SH MonsterArts Gigan, I always wondered if the Final Wars iteration of Godzilla, one of my favorite Godzilla designs, would ever be introduced to that line.
Well, here we are...
This figure captures the design of the FinalGoji suit beautifully. This Godzilla's slender body is very well sculpted and the paint work on the figure is mostly immaculate. However, it's when you really start to closely scrutinize this figure in some areas that you might start to notice a few issues. 
From the top, Godzilla's head is sculpted beautifully, every detail that should stand out absolutely does, including the ears. I do find the eye paint to stand out a bit too much though. One of my favorite aspects of this Godzilla design, especially when seen on film is how you so rarely see his eyes which made him all the more threatening. But here, the eyes are more visible than ever and it can be a bit off putting at times. Plus the paint on the pupils isn't aligned properly. 
As for the teeth, the bottom row on mine look OK, but the top row have a bit of gum bleeding on them. It looks like Godzilla just ate Grimace.
I'll talk more about articulation here in a bit, but an issue I found with the sculpt can be found in the neck. The center neck piece is shaped in a way that moving the head around can expose a distractingly noticeable gap on the upper backside and lower front side. However you can mitigate that by moving the head where you want then carefully maneuver the neck piece to where you want it and with that the figure should look fine.

Apart from that the rest of the figure looks great paint wise. I especially love the applications on the claws and dorsal fins. 

Now we can talk about the articulation proper. I should point out that several pieces on my figure including the head, arms, hands and tail love to pop out of their ball joints. They're easy to put back, but it got really old really fast. 

Utilizing Godzilla's neck, he can look really high up and even straight down. The head can also look left/right and the neck can tilt side/side.

Arms can move forward/backward and in/out at the shoulders, rotate at the bicep, bend/rotate at the elbow and the hands can move freely about at the wrist. 

The body can turn left/right, tilt side/side and bend pretty far forward.
I'm telling ya, mid torso joints are where it's at!

Legs can move forward at the hip but cant really go backward, but they can move out at the hip which lets this Godzilla do a nice spread eagle. I gotta say this Godzilla figure may have one of the best knee bends I've ever seen on any SHMA figure I've ever owned. The feet can rotate and pivot nicely. 

The tail is appropriately fluid and manages to hold poses nicely. 
Aside from the joints coming loose, the articulation on this Godzilla is quite impressive! This is the first time I've actually been able to accurately recreate the famous "Shie" pose from 'Invasion of Astro-Monster.'
I feel like this figure should set a new standard for future SHMA figures. 

Once again, no accessories.
For a $95 figure, including a scale Gotengo would have been nice...

OK, what say we do this properly this time, yeh?

But while most people were excited to pose their 2004 Godzilla figure with Gigan, I was equally excited to pose him against my 2005 Kong figure. 
I saw both Peter Jackon's remake of King Kong and Godzilla Final Wars around the same time in 2005 and I loved them both, so seeing these 2 together just warms my heart like nothing else. 

Much like Final Wars itself, in spite of it's issues I can't help but love this figure. I think it's awesome, a little overpriced, but well worth picking up. Definitely get one if you can!
And while the announcement of a Monster X figure is amazing and all, God help us and our wallets if Bandai announces an SHMA Keizer Ghidorah...

Till next time, I have been your host Gryphon
and thank you for joining me here in my lair
So long...

I hope you have enjoyed reading this and if you would like to see more from The Gryphon's Lair, be sure to give my Facebook page a 'LIKE' to see updates and other related stuff. 
Thanks for reading!


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