Thursday, April 1, 2021

X-PLUS GIGAN 2004 | Figure Review

Being the massive Gigan fan that I am, I find it odd that I have yet to review a Gigan figure. Well today I'm going to remedy that by looking at what just might be one of the best Gigan figures ever from one of the best toy lines known for kaiju figures, X-PLUS!

X-Plus once again knocks it out of the park, the sculpt and detailing on this figure is top tier excellent! 
The color on this figure is so screen accurate it should be illegal that the manufacturer's were able to recreate it so well. The mix of maroon and green looks great with just the right amount of silver on the fin, horns and crotch.  
This Gigan figure has a nice head sculpt, featuring an appropriate sized beak, nicely sculpted tongue and those downward facing tusks.
But the eyes are what stand out the most, BOTH of Gigan's are painted disturbingly realistic with not a bit of sloppy paint.
None what so ever...

Oh, and be extremely careful with those spikes on the back of the neck, they are sharp and will pierce your skin if handled without care.
Another thing I like are the scales on the body. They look good and they feel good to touch.
Of course, Gigan's trademark features are his double clawed hands and feet and the buzz saw like spines on his belly, which are represented beautifully here. The spines on his belly could be a bit bigger though...
Now looking at the back we see Gigan's single sail-like fin. It's pretty big and has some nice subtle detailing all over it. 

Finally the tail looks nice and if you thought the neck spikes could do damage, watch out the for the spines on the tail unless you wanna lose a finger. 

While figures like these aren't usually known for their ability to move, Gigan does have a few points of articulation including rotating arms, legs and tail.

X-Plus Godzilla 2004
X-Plus Godzilla 1972
NECA King Ghidorah 2019

Overall, I love this figure so much I don't regret the $9,000 I spent on it.

Till next time, I have been your host Gryphon
and thank you for joining me here in my lair.
Happy April Fool's Day!

I hope you have enjoyed reading this and if you would like to see more from The Gryphon's Lair, be sure to give my Facebook page a 'LIKE' to see updates and other related stuff. 

Thanks for reading!


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