Thursday, August 29, 2019


Ah NECA's 1954 figure, it's what started me on the path to reviewing Kaiju figures. And now we've come back to it.
You may recall back in April 2017 I made a post about what "Poster/Color" versions of existing figures I'd like to see in the SHMA figure line. Well, it seems NECA has stepped in and gave us a figure based on my final choice: Godzilla 1954 from the poster for the 1956 recut of the first film 'Godzilla, King of the Monsters!"

It's important to add the exclamation point at the end to distinguish it from the 2019 film.

So let's see:

Green skin color? Check!
Yellow atomic breath? Double Check!!
Red lips? Umm...ok they didn't do that.

0/5, Do not buy!

Joking aside, I think NECA did a great job with this figure. We know already they can make a pretty solid 1954 figure, but can they make lighting strike twice with a repaint?

Looking at the head, I noticed a few odd things about my figure.
I don't know if it's a consistent issue with others. (If it is, do let me know)
The eyes at times look like they are misaligned not just on this figure, but also on my original 1954 figure. I'd be more freaked out if not for the fact that this would be an easy fix with some paint.

The paint work on the teeth is odd. Some teeth on the lower jaw are painted while some aren't. I'm sure this isn't that big of a deal given that you'll mostly be looking at this figure in it's intended pose. Besides, they look better than the teeth on the actual poster. Also the upper lip on the right side of the head is slightly cocked up making Godzilla look like he's snarling. QC issue or creative choice on the choice of NECA? You be the judge.

Did you like the first 1954 figure? Good, the same level of detail it had is present here. NECA simply took that figure and splashed several shades of green all over it. I love how it looks very much, it resembles the poster very nicely.

The dorsal fins on the poster had a fiery yellow color to them, the ones on the figure however have a mix of light red and white. Honestly I'm not sure which ones I prefer, but the red ones work well for the figure.

However, one downside to this figure is that it reminds me of the time when bendy wire tails were a thing. I thought we were past this?

One significant addition to this figure happens to be a hole inside the mouth, used to insert the atomic breath piece. This one appears to be the same piece included with the NECA 1962 Godzilla, only colored yellow.
It does match the poster very well and if NECA ever decides to make a 1974 Godzilla (please?), this piece can be reused for a "Fake Godzilla" figure.

I'm happy to see that one thing that was carried over from the newer figures was the fantastic box design. It includes the iconic poster with the flap image containing the same poster with the figure standing in and the back highlights the features of this figure using dialogue from the famous trailer for Godzilla, King of the Monsters!

Inside the box is a special pop out display of the poster to insert the figure into and create a really nice looking set piece for any collector shelf. Some may complain that the backdrop doesn't contain any of the poster text, which is a fair point, but I actually like the textless back ground. I just wish they went all the way and didn't include "AWESOME! -and then some!" part at the bottom.

Overall, this is a pretty solid piece from NECA and a unique figure that I'm sure any collector would be proud to own. And if this release is anything to go by, I'd love to see what else NECA can do.

Till next time, I have been your host Gryphon
and thank you for joining me here in my lair.
So long...

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