Monday, December 31, 2018

Mowgli | Gryphon's First Impressions

I must admit, it took me a while to figure out what to do with my blog when I first created it. It was out of sheer impulse that I decided to make a post about, of all things, my thoughts on the casts of upcoming Jungle Book movies.
But sure enough, I was able to find my footing and get it on the track it's on today. But now that the second movie I talked about has come out, I figure I should bring things full circle and give my thoughts on it.

Christian Bale and Rohan Chand in Mowgli (2018)
To start I need to say that this is not the Disney version of the story you grew up with. This is more comparable to the original Rudyard Kipling novel. The novel had a much darker tone and much of the characters behaved pretty differently.

I myself have never read the book, but based on my limited knowledge of it, this movie feels pretty authentic in replicating scenes from it. Well, the stuff with Mowgli stories anyway.
And to be honest, I really enjoyed the darker take on the story. 
Most of the cast did an excellent job with their rolls. Andy Serkis plays Baloo as more of a gruff and tough drill sergeant, but still with a heart of gold. Benedict Cumberbatch was casted perfectly as Shere Khan. And I really liked Christan Bale as Bagheera, he gives probably the most emotional preformance in the film. And the rest of the animal actors serve their parts well.

The CGI for the 2016 Jungle Book was and still is amazing to look at. The CGI for this movie is also pretty good, though I think I prefer the wolves in the 2016 version more. The wolves in this movie could've used a bit more of a touch up in some scenes. 

As for the human actors? Well, Mowgli was pretty good. This was certainly the most realistic take of a boy raised in a jungle by wolves I've ever seen.

The rest of the human cast feels like an afterthought. The hunter has somewhat of a story that isn't really expanded upon and the woman who takes care of Mowgli after he goes to the man village shows up and does nothing more of value.
I don't think those characters were even given names. 

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While my heart will always belong to the Disney versions, I will always be open to different versions of classic stories even if they don't always work out in the end.
Luckily, I really enjoyed this version and may find myself watching it again on Netflix from time to time. I do wish I got to see it in a theater though. 
If you're looking for a new take on The Jungle Book and don't mind more darker elements, go ahead and check it out

Till next time, I have been your host Gryphon
and thank you for joining me here in my lair.
So long...


I hope you have enjoyed reading this and if you would like to see more from The Gryphon's Lair, be sure to give my Facebook page a 'LIKE' to see updates and other related stuff. 
Thanks for reading!

Monday, December 10, 2018

Musings from the Lair - King of the Monsters Edition (12-10-2018)

Wow, it has been far too long since I've done one of these. I haven't done one of these since September of 2016.

It was 5 years ago today that every Godzilla fan was (mostly) waiting patiently for the first official trailer for the 2014 reboot to come out. And here we are today, with the release of the second official trailer for the highly anticipated Godzilla: King of the Monsters.
The first trailer from Comic Con was so amazing and beautifully apocalyptic. This one delivers all that and more. We get to see better views of the monsters, a hint of what sort of action will take place and even some great character moments. And the hint that there may even be more monsters to be discovered is really exciting to think about. So I'd say this trailer was equally satisfying and only makes my hype meter grow taller than Ghidorah sitting on Godzilla's shoulders.
Also, did anyone else catch the Dunkin' Donuts billboard?

But now, I think the trailers and new footage from King of the Monsters needs to stop! Most of you know this too well, some trailers have a tendency to spoil the best parts of the movie or even give away the final shot (*cough*Sony*cough*). Legendary Pictures films seemed to be the exception, but after the last trailers for Kong: Skull Island and especially Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, It's made me a bit concerned. They showed far too much footage and even gave away certain moments that would have been amazing to see first on the big screen. And trailer channels on YouTube that show the big moments before the actual trailer aren't helpful either!
The last 2 trailers and even viral marketing from Monarch Sciences have wetted my appetite enough. I already wanna see this movie so bad that I'm willing to wait 5 more months and avoid anymore trailers and information regarding the movie to make the experience all the more better.

Now I figured I've give my thoughts on the designs of the monsters that were surprisingly revealed through new SH MonsterArts figures!


Our boy has undergone a few tweaks to his design. I personally liked the original look just fine, but I do like the improvements. The dorsal fins especially look amazing. The only thing that gets me is that I miss the whip like end of the tail. Although I do wonder if these changes will be addressed in the movie, maybe the tip was torn off in a previous battle?

MOTHRA:Image may contain: flower
Mothra seems to have the most radical redesign of all the monsters so far. The legs are larger, the head is smaller and she looks generally less fuzzy and more insect like than past incarnations. Honestly, I really like this look and after seeing it in action I feel like it'll grow on fans who are still on the fence about it.
Now when are we gonna get to see more of her Larva stage?

RODAN:Image may contain: text
So, remember that maquette that leaked onto the internet that everyone liked but were told was fake? Yeah, they lied!
This Rodan looks great! An awesome re-imagining of the classic Showa design. Nuff' said.

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And finally we have the big boy himself. Ghidorah is simply fantastic, the heads look great, the body is good and the wings are gigantic. After years of hearing people speculate that Ghidorah's body would be changed to more resemble Smaug from the Hobbit movies, it is so refreshing to see that they kept the classic look of the 3-headed titan.

I am extremely satisfied with the looks and I can't wait to get my hands on those figures. And yes, I will more than likely release reviews of them. I plan to start saving for them as soon as it becomes January. 

This is now my new phone wallpaper!

2019 appears to be the Year of Godzilla. And to celebrate the occasion, my next retrospective will be themed as such, leading up to the release of King of the Monsters on May 31st.
As far as other plans go
Figure Reviews are up in the air depending on what I can afford and what I feel like reviewing.
I realize that I have yet to review any of the Godzilla Anime movies, I am waiting for Planet Eater to come out so I can watch that and review all 3 parts in order. 
I also forgot to review The Meg. Damn it. I will have to fix that.

The next review that will follow some time after this something you will never guess. But let's just say, it's been a long time coming. 

Now I wonder how long it will take me to do another one of these? I'm thinking 5 years. lol

Till next time, I have been your host Gryphon
and thank you for joining me here in my lair.
So long...

I hope you have enjoyed reading this and if you would like to see more from The Gryphon's Lair, be sure to give my Facebook page a 'LIKE' to see updates and other related stuff. 
Thanks for reading!


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