Tuesday, September 11, 2018


I was happy to see this figure announced. Not only did I long to see a more movie accurate Millennium Godzilla made into an SHMA figure, but it also presented the possibility that Kiryu, one of my most wanted SHMA figures would be re-released to go along with it. Turns out it will be and I am super excited about that!

As of late, most SHMA Godzilla figures have been suffering a few quality control issues, specifically having mismatched eyes. When most collectors got their hands one this figure, most of them had their eyes mismatched.
As for mine...
It does have mismatched eyes. But it doesn't bother me a whole bunch. Well it does, but let me explain: I swear this figure is possessed in some way, sometimes I look at it and the eyes don't look that bad and some days I do notice how one is slightly off center. But then I think it's just how the eyebrows are sculpted and then my head hurts and I feel like vomiting banana oil.

I apologize for putting that image in your mind.

The last Millenium Godzilla figures (with the exception of 2001) were based on concepts by sculptor Yuji Sakai. I like that design enough, but I prefer the final design used in the films and this figure is a great representation of it.
Aside from the eyes the head is really good. The mouth might look a little bent to some, but watch Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla again. The teeth look pretty good as well.
If there's one thing Tamashii Nations is great at capturing with their Godzilla figures, it's his skin. This Godzilla has a very rough and sharp skin texture and it looks great here. I especially love how they captured the ridges on his neck.
The claws and toe nails look to be painted evenly.
The dorsal fins have a very nice sculpt down from the neck to the tail. I like the faded appearance and rough texture on them.
The first time I was examining this figure and I saw that unusually sized dorsal fin, I thought it might have been a mistake or factory error. But just to be sure, I watched Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla and sure enough, that was a feature on the suit. And I still find it weird.

Godzilla's head can look up and down. His neck is separated into multiple segments that let him look up pretty high, which also puts him in a good roaring position. His mouth can open and close as usual, but there's also something this figure has that most SHMA Godzilla's haven't had in a while: Tongue movement!

Arms move in and out and can rotate at the shoulders, bend and twist at the elbows, and basically have full range motion.
Unlike a certain other figure...
It'll take a while for me to get over that.

I should also mention that the hands rotate at the wrist and mine like to pop off while I do that. So be mindful of that.

The waist can bend forward, turn left to right and tilt side to side. And there's not an annoying fin gap. Noice!

Legs move forward and backward, as well as move in and out at the waist. The Knees bend and the feet can move up and down, turn and pivot.

And to finish off, Godzilla has a terrific, articulated tail. It's tightly jointed enough to where it can move around easily and hold it's position.

Long story short, despite the eye thing, I think this is a fantastic Godzilla figure! Even with the issue with the eyes, I would still absolutely recommend buying this figure. It is a perfect piece to add to any figure collection and would make a perfect companion to any Kiryu figures you might own.
Like the "Shinagawa Final Battle Version" coming out pretty soon, which I will probably be reviewing next!

Till next time, I have been your host Gryphon
and thank you for joining me here in my lair.
So long...

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Thanks for reading!



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