Tuesday, May 1, 2018

RAMPAGE (2018) | Gryphon's First Impressions

I feel sorry for kids today, because they will never know the joy of actually playing games at an arcade. Classics like Area 51, Revolution X, too many Racing games to count and of course, Rampage!

Yeah, it'd be hard for me not to play a game where you get to be a monster completely destroying city after city.
When I heard they were going to be making a film adaptation, my face morphed into it's skeptic position. Do you remember the original story of the Rampage arcade game? It's about Humans who were turned into monsters by experimentation, the whole thing was very tongue in cheek and you wanna try and make a serious big budget movie about that? Then I heard that it would star Dwayne Johnson and immediately I knew what kind of movie it would be.

The story itself was changed, but also simplified. The monsters start out as normal animals mutated by a pathogen. I'm guessing George was changed to an albino Gorilla to avoid being compared to Kong and Lizzie was made to be a Crocodile to avoid the wrath of the lawyers at Toho. And Ralph is still just a Wolf, because how many other giant Wolves do you know of? Yep, just a regular normal Wolf...with Porcupine quills...and Flying Squirrel flaps.
Huh, that's weird. But at least he looks cool, right Kaiju Kidd?

As I said before, Dwayne Johnson is in the movie and he's the character you expect him to be, wise cracking and overly manly. 
He's actually the reason my Mom wanted to see this movie, she loves Dwayne Johnson and will pretty much watch any movie with him in it, even a freakin' monster movie! But he does a really good job in his role and I really believe the connection between him and George, it can be very heartfelt and really funny at times.

The rest of the cast do a very good job in their roles, but if you wanna see the most over the top, scenery chewing, cartoony villain's in an action movie, go see Rampage.

As far as the monster effects go, Weta Digital once again do a good job. Ralph and Lizzie are entirely digital characters, while George is a motion capture performance by Jason Liles. Liles does an outstanding job of giving George a wide variety of emotions, I could really feel when George was happy, sad, enraged or being a snarky little a-hole.

As of this review, Jason Liles has been announced as one of the actors doing motion capture work for King Ghidorah in 2019's Godzilla: King of the Monsters. I am so on board!

There is one thing you need to know about this movie, it is what it needed to be: Big, dumb and loud. Like I said, the original Rampage games aren't meant to be taken that seriously and this movie fully embraces the silliness of the concept. I feel people were expecting WAY too much from Rampage, y'all do realize monster movies are meant to be fun right? Not all of them have to be serious, award winning masterpieces.
So if you have even a small interest in Rampage, do yourself a favor: Go out and see it for what it is, a good time. And don't think about it too hard, you'll just scramble your brain.

Besides, it's far better than any movie that uwe bole would crap out.
-mic drop-

Till next time, I have been your host Gryphon
and I hope you've enjoyed your time here in my lair.
So long...

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