Wednesday, April 18, 2018


The first 3 Robot Spirits Jaeger's from Tamashii Nations were pretty cool figures, but can the next batch be just as good if not better?

Let's start with the rogue Jaeger, Obsidian Fury.
Obsidian Fury has a nice, sleek design. It looks a lot like a Football player, with the huge chest and very broad shoulder pads. The entire body has a very muscular design which is sculpted very well, and the back has a very prominent spine.

Obviously, the majority of the body is painted black. But the extra detailing and panel lines still stand out pretty good. The visor on the other hand is a bit hard to see. It's supposed to be a bright orange, unfortunately the coloring is a bit dull. It's a clear plastic piece that I feel could've been enhanced by some extra paint.

Next up we get one of the more unique looking Jaeger designs to come from 'Uprising', Saber Athena.
Next to Lady Avenger, Saber Athena is one of my favorite  Jaegers from the new movie. I just love her design, a mix of grace and elegance with ferocity and strength.
It's also nice to see another Jaeger with a more dynamic color scheme. Although, if you've seen clips of Uprising with Saber Athena, you'll see some black paint on the wings which the figure does not have.
The silver compliments the figure nicely and Saber's eyes as well as the PPDC logo's are nicely painted on.

I like all the wing like paneling on Saber's arms and legs. Along with the big wings on the back and the booster rocket, this Jaeger looks like it was designed to be fast.

Guardian Bravo is the third and last Jaeger released by Tamashii Nations so far. Off the bat, I love Guardian Bravo's color scheme! The red, white, grey and black look great together, highlight a bit of the finer details and really helps this Jaeger stand out from the rest.
It looks similar to Ratchet from the original G1 Transformers. (That's the only serious comparison between Pacific Rim and Transformers I will ever make).
The most detail on this Jaeger has to be on the back. Specifically the workings on and below the jet pack.
There's one little detail that looks really odd to me. The head overall looks good, but it looks like there's a mouth sculpted into the head.

Articulation remains mostly similar from the past Jaegers, but all have slight differences.

While all are capable of extending their arms out and moving forward/backward, full rotation is impossible.

With all the Jaeger figures, their heads can move forward but full head rotation has also been tricky or difficult. Saber's head on the other hand can turn all the way freely.
Saber's wings can move up, down, inward and outward.

Let's get to the accessories.

Yes, open hands. Moving on to the cool stuff.

Obsidian Fury comes with 2 Plasma Chainsaw's. Both of them look great and the way they attach to the arms is pretty neat too.
You have to remove the arm panels on both sides, place the Chainsaw pieces into the arms and place the arm panels back on top. It really looks like it's coming out of Obsidian's arms and I love that.

Saber Athena actually comes out of the box with open hands attached. Her alternate hands are actually closed for holding things.
What things you ask? Freakin' SWORDS!
Saber comes with 2 small Plasma Swords and 1 big Plasma Sword. All three of which look really nice and can be placed in the hands easily.

Guardian Bravo also has 2 hands for holding 2 Arc Whips.

The Whips do look nice, but they are made of really soft plastic which is bendable but does not stay in place. That also makes placing it in the hands a bit of a hassle, I'm always afraid I'm gonna bend and break it when placing them. Best advice I can give on that is take it easy.
Unfortunately, Guardian Bravo does not come with any pieces for his arm guns. I would have really loved to see that. I'd bet that the Diamond Select figures would have it

And to answer your question of weather or not I will review any of the Diamond Select figures: I don't know.

The same scale applies to these Jaegers as well. Intersetingly, these 3 are all different heights. Obsidian Fury stands at 7.5 inches, making it the tallest of the Jaeger figures. Saber Athena is 6.5 inches and Guardian Bravo is the shortest of the figures at a little over 6 inches.

All in all, these are 3 great figures to add to the collection. It's nice to have all the main Jaegers featured in Pacific Rim Uprising. I wonder if Tamashii Nations will release figures for the other Jaegers featured in the film. I wouldn't mind having figures of November Ajax and Valor Omega. There has to be a Jaeger Drone figure in the line and a larger, more detailed Scrapper!

Till next time, I have been your host Gryphon
and I hope you've enjoyed your time here in my lair.
So long...

If you would like to see more from The Gryphon's Lair, Be sure to give my Facebook page a 'LIKE' to see updates and other related stuff. Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, April 10, 2018


In addition to the Jaegers, Tamashii Nations is also releasing Kaiju figures under their Sofvi Spirits branch.

(Sofvi = Soft Vinyl)

As of this review, only one Kaiju figure has been released, with 2 more on the way later in the year.

Today we are looking at the figure based on the Kaiju known as Raijin. Raijin himself is a great looking Kaiju.
His head has this fierce, venus flytrap looking outer mouth with rows of teeth and multiple eyes on each side. And it's inner face also has multiple eyes and teeth. But if you'll notice, the teeth on the lower jaw are individually sculpted, while the ones on the upper jaw are sculpted into the gums and painted individually, a practice that isn't exactly foreign to Bandai vinyl figures.
But while the lower teeth are painted on the outside, the inside remains the same color as the face. The same face color applies to the gums and the tongue.

And looking down the throat, you can see some blue paint to indicate the luminous inners of the Kaiju.

The body is mostly painted dark brown with some lighter brown air brushing on body and the limbs. The back of the head and tail however, are simply just brown.

The claws and nails are painted a dark brown color which looks great, on the front side anyway. The back of them remains unpainted and retains the same brown color of the body. The claw on the back of the foot (I think it's called a Dewclaw?) is also unpainted.

You know how most of the Kaiju have the luminescent lines all over thier bodies? Raijin...sort of does. They're there and are noticeable, I just feel there should have been more. Look at Raijin's belly and you'll see 2 of the lines are unevenly painted. Were there supposed to be more on the body?

Being a vinyl figure, there isn't much to Raijin in terms of articulation. The arms rotate and the legs move forward and backward, with full rotation hindered by the arms.
The wrists also appear to be twistable, but I would not recommend doing this. It can loosen it up and a piece of the arm blocks it's movement and trying to force movement could pop it off.
Raijin fits nicely in scale with the Robot Spirits Jaeger figures. He stands at 8.25 inches tall and 11.75 inches from head to tail, keep that in mind when trying to clear shelf space.

Aside from the mixed paint work, Raijin still looks pretty good and the sculpt and detail more than make up for that.
If your looking for a cool Kaiju figure to have on your shelf to go with other Kaiju or Jaeger figures, Raijin is a good choice to go with.
I will say though that $40 might be a bit too much for this figure, if you can find it at a better deal, then do go for it.

Till next time, I have been your host Gryphon
and I hope you've enjoyed your time here in my lair.
So long...

If you would like to see more from The Gryphon's Lair, Be sure to give my Facebook page a 'LIKE' to see updates and other related stuff. Thanks for reading!

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Pacific Rim Uprising | Gryphon's First Impressions

This review has been edited from its original version. It has been reformatted for culturally sensitive reasons.

As much as I loved Pacific Rim, I would've been happy if there wasn't a sequel. I felt that the first film was a nice, self contained story that wrapped up nicely.
If there was going to be another movie, I would still go see it. I'm always up for movies like this.
And after much deliberation, a sequel was finally released.

I basically gushed over the first film and now the only question is: How does this one compare? Well, I figured I'd go over most of the same points I made in the last review.


This time, Guillermo Del Toro only serves as the producer for this film, Director duties were handed over to Steven S. DeKnight. DeKnight was previously a writer on shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Smallville and Daredevil.
So going in, I knew that I probably wasn't going to get a deeper movie than the first one. So I just sat back, watch the movie and tried to appreciate it for what it was. And it was pretty good.

The story goes in pretty much the way I expected it to. With the Kaiju no longer around, Jaeger parts are being sold on the black market while other nations attempt to create their own Jaegers. The Pan Pacific Defense Corps still keeps a few of them handy on the off chance that the Kaiju should return, while a new company is creating Drone Jaegers.

And then the movie has a pretty ridiculous plot twist, and I mean that in a good way, it was a good twist in the way that I didn't see coming. The trailers would have you believe that this new Shao Corporation goes rogue and starts opening new drifts to unleash the Kaiju threat, but when you see that Newt Geiszler has been continually drifting with a leftover Kaiju brain, this is your first sign that something more sinister is afoot.

I went into this with as little expectations as possible. I had a feeling I wasn't going to get a movie as amazing as the first one, but for what I got, I was still impressed.

The only returning cast members are Rinko Kikuchi as Mako Mori, along with Charlie Day and Burn Gorman the scientists Newt Gieszler and Hermann Gottlieb.

The new cast includes John Boyega as Jake Pentecost, Boyega always makes an entertaining and charismatic lead. I also really loved the character Amara. For her first major film role, Cailee Spaeny did an excellent job.

Unfortunately, aside from them and maybe Scott Eastwood Jing Tian's characters, the rest of the cast aren't that memorable. Not only that, but to me, there seem to be too many side characters. I don't hate the Jaeger Cadets, I just felt like there were too many of them with not enough character development for me to really care about them.

With this many characters, it feels like 'Uprising' is trying to be a 
movie pilot for a Pacific Rim television series.
Actually...I wouldn't mind that at all.


Uprising has a ton of awesome looking Jaeger designs, my favorites being Lady Avenger and Saber Athena.
And then there's Scrapper. I love Scrapper! I want a Scrapper, right now!
There are only 3 (technically 4) major Kaiju in Uprising and all of them are really cool.

And the fights between them are honestly the highlight of the entire film. If you go into this looking to watch 
giant robots and monsters fighting each other, The Shatterdome attack and the final showdown in Mega-Tokyo deliver in just the right way.

There is one thing I wanna bring up. I don't really get why people are complaining about how the Jaegers move too fast in this movie.
On the one hand, I kinda understand. Big machinery tends to move pretty slow and the Jaegers from the last movie were mostly lumbering giants.

On the other hand, it's been 10 years since the last movie. Don't you think Jaeger technology would have advanced beyond what the past ones were capable of? Also if you remember from the last movie, the Jaegers were mostly in the water. Things tend to move slowly in water anyway, and when we do see them on land, they move considerably faster.
Lastly, this is science fiction. Can we not just sit back and enjoy without thinking too hard about it?


Honestly, I don't remember much of the score from this movie. I'd have to wait until I get my hands on the soundtrack itself to fully make that judgment.
I do remember hearing the Pacific Rim theme from the first movie, slightly rescored, but still awesome.

I was worried at first because the trailers included this stupid hip hop song which did not fit the mood of the movie. While that song is not in the movie, there are still some hip hop and rap songs in the movie. Are they distracting? Yes, but unlike the trailer it doesn't get in the way of the more epic parts of the movie.
With the exception of one particular song that is played for humor during one big scene. I mean, it was funny, but it was still a pretty big WTF moment.


As we saw in the final scene, (that should have been placed in the middle of the credits) Uprising ends on a cliffhanger. It's implied that if there is a sequel, it will deal with the Jaeger pilots going to the Kaiju world (called the Anteverse) and bringing the battle to them.

It sounds like a good idea. But as we saw before, the first Pacific Rim wasn't exactly a box office hit until it reached international audiences.
As of right now, Uprising seems to be following the same path. The combined Domestic and Foreign gross has more than surpassed the films budget so a sequel is indeed possible.

In my opinion, Pacific Rim Uprising is nowhere near as amazing as the first one. But that DOES NOT make it a bad movie. It's still a pretty good follow up to the expanding Pacific Rim universe. I highly recommend it and I will continue to anticipate updates on the potential sequel.

Till next time, I have been your host Gryphon
and I hope you've enjoyed your time here in my lair.
So long...

If you would like to see more from The Gryphon's Lair, Be sure to give my Facebook page a 'LIKE' to see updates and other related stuff. Thanks for reading!


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