Thursday, July 13, 2017


While I may have been excited for the previous Link Figma, another figure was announced alongside it, one that would become probably my most anticipated figure for the year.
Joining the Twilight Princess Link Figma is a Figma based on Princess Zelda herself.
Last time I reviewed a Princess Zelda figure, I found it to be a simply OK attempt at capturing her elegant likeness. But that was a figure costing roughly $15. But can Figma's Princess Zelda figure, with it's price tag of a little over $60, do better?

This Figma is BEAUTIFUL!!!
From top to bottom Princess Zelda has some very impressive sculpt and detail. So, let's look at it from top to bottom!
Princess Zelda comes with 2 face plates, one with a serious expression and one where she smiles. (Removing the front crown piece is required to replace the faces)
Her faces have great expressions and the details are nicely applied, the eyes, mouths, ears and even her earrings look pretty good.
Her hair also looks very nice, wonderfully sculpted and painted. Her crown piece looks good too, and the back part is well painted (mine has a minor splotch on her hair), same goes for the other ribbons and ties.
The shoulder armor piece looks great, nicely painted and oozing with detail all over.
And the arms look good too. I saw on one review of this figure where one arm was painted a pearly white while the other one wasn't. But luckily mine seems to have a consistent paint scheme.
But the best looking thing about this figure is the dress. This is an amazingly sculpted dress, the detail of the seems, folds and the patterns is very well realized even down to the littlest things. The paint overall is great, Max Factory even did a great job painting some of the smaller details onto the dress, this stuff couldn't have been easy to make look consistent but they nailed it and should be commended for their efforts.
While the tabard also looks amazing, the banner-like piece feels like it was simply glued on to the dress and one wrong move could snap it off. So I would apply museum rules to the tabbard: look, but no touch.
Princess Zelda doesn't have as much articulation as the Twilight Princess Link Figma, but what she does have is still pretty decent.
Zelda's head can tilt left to right. Her hair in the back has a hinge allowing it to move up and down, which in turn also allows Zelda to look up and down. And the head is capable of rotation, the braids in the front are pretty flexible, but still be careful as they could still come off.

The upper part of her chest can rotate and tilt forward, bend side to side a little bit and kinda sorta lean backward, but not a lot.
The arms are capable of rotating around. However, I will say that the shoulder armor can cause some problems when it comes to that. The corners of the armor will overlap with the blue tassels and cause them to bend. There is a possibility that too much of that may cause them to snap off. 
Apart from that her arms can also move up, rotate at the bicep, bend at the elbow. And the hands can rotate and bend.
Unlike the Jakks Pacific figure, this Zelda actually has legs. As you can see, unlike other princesses, Zelda is a pants and boots type of girl. 2 pieces of Zelda's gown can be moved up and can twist slightly. Doing so effects the width, so if you want to display it as wide or narrow, you may do so. The center piece has no form of articulation whatsoever, but like the tabard, don't mess around with it too much. 
Her legs have the kind of articulation you'd expect to have on a Figma figure.
The legs are capable of bending and rotating at the hip, although the dress itself does prohibit that movement. The legs also bend and rotate at the knees, her feet can rotate, move up and down, pivot slightly and there is also an extra bend at the tip of the foot. 
I don't think it really matters a whole lot since the gown itself prevents Zelda from falling over anyway.
While she doesn't have as many accessories as the last figure I reviewed, what she does come with is still pretty impressive.
The first is her sword. While the detail and paint look really nice, the blade feels flimsy. One wrong move and it'll snap like spaghetti! It's still cool to see Zelda holding this elegant weapon. 
Also included are Zelda's Bow of Light and one Light Arrow. Both of these pieces look great, sporting a glossy paint application which I think is a good detail. They are weapons of light after all, so they should look the part.
Getting Zelda to hold the bow and arrow can be a bit tricky, but with a little creativity it can be done. 

Zelda comes with a variety of different hands that can be swapped out for many different posing possibilities. One issue I've had with my Zelda figure is that when I go to pull one hand off the wrist, the entire joint socket will accompany the hand. The way I've found to get around this is to hold the wrist firmly while pulling the hand off, so if you're having this issue as well, feel free to use this method for yourself. 

Zelda stands a little over 5 1/2 inches tall, fitting in scale with the Twilight Princess Link Figma and looks good next to the Link Between Worlds Figma. 

This is probably not a fair comparison, but her she is compared to the Jakks Pacific Zelda and Sheik figures.

 I have been looking forward to this figure since it was announced almost a year ago and it does not disappoint! If you are a die hard Zelda fan, and especially if you love Twilight Princess like I do, then this figure is something you should definitely obtain for yourself. I'm very happy to have both Link and Zelda figures in my collection. 

And I'm going to keep saying this out of hope that it will eventually happen:
C'mon Max Factory, please? 

Till next time, I've been your host Gryphon
And I hope you've enjoyed your time here in my lair.
So long...

If you would like to see more from The Gryphon's Lair, Be sure to give my Facebook page a 'LIKE' to see updates and other related stuff. Thanks for reading!

Monday, July 3, 2017


As I stated in the last Figma review I made, I wanted a Link figure based on his look from 'The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess', which happens to be my favorite Zelda game.
And now that such a figure has finally been released, how does it hold up? Does it exceed my expectations or barely come close to them?
In short, Max Factory knocked this one out of the park!
Link looks amazing. 
Starting from the top, the head looks very nice. The hair is very well sculpted and the details on all 3 face plates look good.
We have a good looking hat, probably the longest of Link's hats to date. And you can see all kinds of folds, patches and seams, a nice little detail. 
And that same level of detail can also be seen on the rest of the tunic. Everything from the Belts, the undershirt and the chain mail are very well realized.
You can even see the chain mail painted underneath Link's armpits, that is really cool! Even the Skyward Sword Figma didn't have that detail!  

The paint overall matches the color scheme of Twilight Princess to a tee.
Link also comes with 2 Adventure Pouches equipped to his back. One of which has a peg hole for the included figure stand. The larger pouch is also detachable.

Looking at Link's forearms, you might see the paint on the Bracers has a few slight paint hiccups, but nothing you'll lose sleep over. Overall, they look pretty good, I especially love the guard on the left arm.

Not much else to say about the legs, they look good too. This is one tall and skinny Link.
Max Factory prides themselves on incorporating both beauty and Articulation into their Figma's and the articulation on Link is pretty similar to past Link Figma's. As I was messing around with it, I found this to be one of the most fluid moving figures I've ever owned. So basically, if you can imagine a pose, there's a good chance that Link will be able to do it. 
One standout piece of articulation is that the neck can move forward. Like other Figma Links, the hat on this one can rotate and it even has an extra joint in it allowing it to move up and down and all around.
Of course, no Link figure would be complete without his signature weapons, the Master Sword and Hylian Shield. Both of which look fantastic as usual.

Now, if you get the standard version of the Twilight Princess Link Figma, the only accesories you're getting are the Master Sword (with the scabbard), Hylian Shield, the 2 extra face pieces and a figure stand. This however is the Deluxe Version! And it comes with a few more goodies. 

In addition to the Master Sword, the Ordon Sword is also included along with the scabbard.

Another fine addition is the Hero's Bow and one Arrow. It is kinda weird how there is no string on the Bow though. 2 additional hands are included to have Link hold the Bow and Arrow, some fiddling will be required to make Link posed with it look right.

Link also comes with a "hair-piece" that attaches the Hawkeye mask Link wears when aiming the Bow. To be honest, I'm not a fan of this piece. It just looks funny to me and I'd rather pose Link holding the Bow without the mask.
No Twilight Princess Link would be complete without one of the best items from the game, the Clawshot! Which appears to be A LOT larger than I thought it would be.
The closed claw piece can be replaced with an open claw piece attached to a chain which can then be held up by an included second figure stand with a claw of it's own.
Speaking of chains, the next included accessory is the Ball and Chain weapon. A very nice addition that when used with the figure stands can be posed in a variety of nice ways.

Every included accessory looks really nice, is painted great and can lead to some fun possibilities. Now like with the Link Between Worlds Figma, the
 accessories come apart into several small pieces to make attaching them to Link's hands easier, so make sure you are in an area where you can easily keep track of them without getting them lost. Instruction manuals are included for your convenience in both English and Japanese.
It should also go without saying that most of these are fragile and could break easily, so be extra careful when handling them.

As you can see this Figma fits well in scale with the Skyward Sword and A Link Between Worlds Figma's really well.

And it don't look too bad next to some Jakks Pacific World of Nintendo figures.

This figure is awesome, the accessories are awesome, Twilight Princess is awesome and I am super glad that I own this figure now. It only makes me wish we had a Twilight Princess Ganondorf figure even more! In fact...maybe I should do a "Top 5 Legend of Zelda Figma's I'd Like to See" blog. We'll see.
Point is, if you're a Legend of Zelda fan, weather you go for the Standard Edition on the Deluxe Edition with the extra weapons, this figure makes an excellent piece to add to your collection. 

Till next time, I've been your host, Gryphon.
and I hope you've enjoyed your time here in my lair.
So long...

If you would like to see more from The Gryphon's Lair, Be sure to give my FB page a 'LIKE' to see updates and other related stuff. Thanks for reading!


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