Friday, April 21, 2017

Top 5 SHMA Poster/Color Version Figures I'd Like To See Made.

Not only are we getting a really cool looking SH MonsterArts figure based on the Poster Version of Mechagodzilla from 1993's 'Godzilla Vs. Mechagodzilla', we finally get some confirmation on a rumor that Tamashii nations were working on a "Spit Fire" version of the "Birth Version" Godzilla. It was revealed that this figure is a "Poster Version" of Godzilla from the same poster as the Mechagodzilla figure. It's unknown weather or not this version will come with an Atomic Breath piece, only time will tell weather or not collectors will have to ask themselves the dreaded double-dip question.
All this got me thinking about idea's for other repainted versions of figures based on posters I would like to see, hence the creation of this blog post you are currently reading. These aren't necessarily ordered from which ones I want more than others, I just put them in the order in which I thought of them.   

Rodan 1993 - Poster Version
This seems like a bit of a no-brainer, don't it? This is also the poster from which the aforementioned figures were based on. It was illustrated by Japanese artist, Noriyoshi Ohrai, who also designed many other stunning Godzilla posters. It just makes sense to complete the set, seeing this depiction of Rodan brought to life as a detailed, articulated figure would be absolutely wicked!

Godzilla 1995 - Color Version
Another poster done by Ohrai. I debated actually putting Destoroyah's poster look on this list, but the more I thought about it, it just looked too close to the actual Destoroyah. The poster version just has smaller wings and more forward posture. On the other hand, Godzilla himself has a very cool color scheme on this poster and I would not mind having a 'Birth Version' Godzilla with it. 

 Godzilla 2000 Millennium - US Poster Version
Most of us living in the United States probably have Godzilla 2000 on VHS, DVD and Blu-ray of this film with this awesome cover. I could see this either being made from scratch or even taking the 'Birth Version', re-tooling some parts of it, adding the new Dorsal Fins and finishing it off with the black and orange color. 

Spacegodzilla - Color Version
Back when Trendmasters were the ones cranking out Godzilla toys in the United States, their Spacegodzilla figure sported a color scheme very similar to another one of Ohrai's posters. I feel that a Spacegodzilla figure with the same colors made by Tamashii nations would be a huge seller.

Godzilla 1954 - US Color Version
When many people think of the original Godzilla film, this poster usually comes to mind. Who can blame them? It's a pretty iconic poster, and since there is already a SHMA 1954 Godzilla figure, why not make a variant with the above color scheme? Lips and all! And a yellow Atomic Breath effect for good measure.

Are there any Poster/Color variants that you would like to see? Feel free to leave a comment.

Till next time, I have been your host Gryphon
and I hope you've enjoyed your time here in my lair.
So long...

If you would like to see more from The Gryphon's Lair, Be sure to give my FB page a 'LIKE' to see updates and other related stuff. Thanks for reading!

Sunday, April 2, 2017


Nowadays, there seems to be Loot Crate type subscription boxes for everything from movies, comics, anime and video games. But what about us Kaiju fans?

Well thanks to a man named Salvatore Lomedico and his Indiegogo fundraiser, we have KAIJU BOX! The worlds first and only Kaiju themed subscription box.

Upon hearing about this I instantly pledged as soon as the money was right. I got the Signature Edition of the first box and this is what was inside:

This box was originally going to include the NECA 2001 Godzilla figure, that ended up not being the case due to some issues. But we did get another NECA figure, a solar powered Body Knocker of the 1954 Godzilla. Think of it like a reverse bobble head figure, the head stays motionless while the body sways back and forth. I've thought about getting this a few times in the past and now I have it. Pretty cool.
One of the main reasons for me getting this box was for this exclusive print by Godzilla comic artist, Matt Frank. I really love this piece and I'm glad I actually have something signed by him now. Now if only he could come to one of my local conventions so I could have him sign some other stuff.

There were 2 shirts that were gonna come with this box, one of which parodies the WWF's NWO logo, only instead of "NWO" it said "GMK". While I would have liked to have that shirt, I'm happy that I got the shirt I wanted more with King Ghidorah on it.

Now onto the smaller stuff:

Normally I'm not that into small mystery packs like these, I left that behind after the WizKids Godzilla mini-figures. But these still neat little finger puppets, I just have no desire to pursue collecting them. This is where my only gripe comes from this box, the figure that I ended up getting (The GMK Godzilla) was one I already had. No ill will towards the box itself though.
There was also a NECA Scalers Godzilla figure. Scalers are figures that you can attach to charging cables and headphones. I already had one before this, but now I have one new in box. ^.^
I don't know if I've ever made this clear, but I'm a huge Pacific Rim fan. I've always wanted something to wear that says "Kaiju Groupie" on it. Now I got a rubber wristband that says it. Though I have no idea if it's going to fit my huge wrist or not.
These are some pretty neat stickers. I especially love the Hail Cthulhu one. I don't think I'm gonna stick them onto anything though.
PINS!!! Fun fact, the one on the left says "Kaiju". And I agree with another unboxing video by Youtube user GreenwitEvil that says that the Mascot Kaiju needs a name. 
I have no knowledge about this card game other than: It's a card game and it's called Kaiju Assualt. That is some nice artwork for Hedorah though. 

As far as the first Kaiju Box goes, this is a pretty cool offering and I hope to see it continue. If you'd like to have a box like this, simply visit the Indiegogo link here:

I mean, if you're a Kaiju fan why wouldn't you? It's a guaranteed way to get the NECA Shin Godzilla figure and a whole bunch of other monstrous goodies. Check it out and JOIN THE DESTRUCTION!!!

Till next time, I have been your host Gryphon
and I hope you've enjoyed your time here in my lair.
So long...

If you would like to see more from The Gryphon's Lair, Be sure to give my FB page a 'LIKE' to see updates and other related stuff. Thanks for reading!


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