Tuesday, December 26, 2017


I had initially planned to end 2017 with a different kind of post, but just this evening I came home to a very unexpected surprise: My second Kaiju Box!
To get an idea of what Kaiju Box is, be sure to check out the blog post where I opened up my first one. 
Now a lot of people including myself have had to wait a long time for this to arrive, so I'm a little curious to see what's inside it as I have not seen any of the content that's been teased aside from the t-shirt and the headlining feature of said box.
I'm actually writing this blog as I'm opening and examining the contents, so my reactions are as genuine as possible. Let's get started!

The first thing I grabbed was a baseball cap with the Batman logo transmogrified to be Cthulhu. It looks really cool, but my biggest concern is weather or not it would fit my big fat head or not. And it does! I'm actually really surprised by this fact. The green color makes it seem like this hat should glow in the dark, but it don't.

Oh lord, not these again. I remember when these NECA Wizkids figures first came out, I saw them all the time at my local comic book/game store and I made it my mission to collect them all, which I eventually did. And now I have an extra Male Muto. If I had gotten the Female Muto, I would have been upset. That was the one I had the most trouble trying to find.

Well, the box came with 2 t-shirts with exclusive artwork by comic artist Jeff Zornow. The shirts are cool and I especially love the Gyaos one, but the wrong sizes were included. I distinctly remember ordering the box and selecting the 3XL size option. So now I have to figure that mess out.

Of course the headline item was the NECA Shin Godzilla figure. Now seeing as how I already have one and did a review on it, I actually have some idea of what I want to do with this one. It involves paint.

There's also another Cthulhu item that seems to be advertising something called 'The Cthulhu Wars' which I cannot find any info on. But it is a circular magnet made to look like the logo's you see on the back of Toho movies showing what monsters are included in the movie. Pretty cool.

Again, I know nothing about Kaiju Wars, but I like the King Ceasar card I got.

I was not expecting this to come with a movie. And I have never heard of this movie before, I might check it out later.

These are some nice Godzilla 2014 pins.

Probably one of the more unique items is this exclusive comic book. And there's not much to this first issue, it's an average set up to a bigger story with some extremely hokey, even below Power Rangers level dialogue. I have no idea if I'm gonna read the rest, let alone be able to find the other issues.

I kinda like the first box more, but this one was still pretty neat, aside from the T-Shirt snafu (Hopefully I can get that sorted out). As of right now, there is no Indiegogo fundraiser for a third box. But if you like what you saw and you want to get your hands on stuff like this, simply follow Kaiju Box at any of the links shown below to find out how you too can join the destruction.

Till next time, I have been your host Gryphon
and I hope you've enjoyed your time here in my lair.
So long...

If you would like to see more from The Gryphon's Lair, Be sure to give my Facebook page a 'LIKE' to see updates and other related stuff. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


Thus far, the SH MonsterArts line has gotten at least 3 different "Poster Version" variants of existing figures. But this figure, is in a whole different league.
As I explained in my Top 5 SHMA Poster/Color Version Figures I'd Like To See Made, the Mechagodzilla figure I will be reviewing here is based on a design seen on the poster for 1993's 'Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II' designed by the late Noriyoshi Ohri. If you've never had a chance to view any of his work, do a quick google image search and enjoy the eye candy.
The concept for this Mechagodzilla was similar to the Megazords from Power Rangers, a number of large mechs that combine together to form an even bigger mech.
In this case, we have 3: The Garuda, Gundalva and Naga.

The Garuda is a wickedly awesome flying machine. Sleek, ready for battle and very dragon-like in appearance, rather fitting seeing as how it will eventually form the head and tail.
It's also very spiky, so be mindful of that when handling it.
A small flight stand is included for displaying Garuda.
The wings can move up and down at both the base of the Garuda and the mid point of the wings. The rotors on the wings can rotate forward all the way around.
The tail can curve upward and even wiggle from side to side.

Next we have the Gundalva, a small tank equipped with large 4-barrel laser cannons.
This is where the figures start to become die-cast metal, making them a bit more heavy than the Garuda which is just standard plastic.
Gundalva's cannons in addition to simply facing forward can not only move up, but in all sorts of different directions thanks to the amazing 'arm' articulation. I'm not sure weather they were intended to be moved in this way. But you gotta admit, that would have been freakin' awesome to see on screen!

Finally there's the Naga, a more massive tank equipped with what I'm assuming are small missile turrets, a few laser cannons and it's main weapon, the classic Maser Cannon.
The spikes at the front are meant to be Mechagodzilla's toes, but I like to imagine that they would be used as ramming spikes. They gotta use those boosters at the rear for something besides quick getaways.

Unlike the Gundalva which only had static treads underneath it, the Naga has 6 groups of actual spinning wheels, allowing it to roll forward. As someone who used to collect the die-cast metal Thomas and Friends toys from ERTL, this is a detail that makes me smile.
By itself, the Naga doesn't have a lot of articulation except for the retractable Maser Cannon and the 2 side cannons. The base of the Maser Cannon can turn left and right, but full rotation is impossible.

Now that we've looked at the individual Zords-I mean, MECH'S! There's only one thing left to do, bring them together!

This is the only real part of the transformation that threw me off. You're supposed to move this one chest panel to the side and push it back. Doing so takes a bit of careful wiggling.

The transformation/combination of the Garuda, Gundalva and Naga is fairly straight forward. By simply following the instructions with careful handling it should go pretty smoothly. The feet can be a bit tricky to maneuver during the transformation, especially with the tabs. I recommend detaching the tabs while doing so and reattaching when done.

When all is said and done, all 3 pieces come together into the titanic, titan of terror, MECHAGODZILLA!

And I'm just gonna say it, this is how Mechagodzilla should have looked in the 1993 film!
This is an awesome look for Mechagodzilla and it looks much better than what we ended up getting. I love how massive, imposing and ready for battle this thing looks. It looks more like something a military force would actually construct to fight Kaiju.
Even the tail looks more proportionate to the figure despite the somewhat short length.

The coloring in detail on this figure is spot on. I barely noticed any inaccuracies. The gun metal paint on the finger turrets and the cables going through the arms compliment the figure nicely, as does all the oranges yellows and reds scattered throughout. The only thing I could complain about is that I wish the eyes were colored a little brighter.

With Mechagodzilla fully formed, we have access to new points of articulation, as well as much of the same.
The head can look all the way up, it can look to the left and the right, and it can even tilt left and right. As is standard with most articulated figures, the mouth can open, but I don't think the mouth opens as far as some would want it to.
The Gundalva's cannons act as the arms and the movement on them is pretty much the same, but with the wings of the Garuda, full 360 rotation is not recommended.
The main body has no movement what so ever. The closest things we get are the up and down movement of the Naga's side cannons and you can kinda wiggle the Maser Cannon.
The legs can move forward, bend out at the hip and bend at the knee. The feet have a slight pivot can move all the way back for Mechagodzilla's flight mode.

 Speaking of flight mode. While it does look really cool, there is no display stand to accompany it. I however was able to get around it by using a standard sized doll stand I purchased from Hobby Lobby.

The Gundalva and the Naga can also be combined together to form some sort of super tank, making it more impossible for me not to make a Power Rangers reference.

Anyway,despite not having the corresponding Godzilla figure, Ohrai Noriyoshi's Mechagodzilla is still a pretty amazing piece to have. If you can find it for a good price online or even at a convention, go ahead and snatch it up.
And take a moment to read the included comic. Even though it's in Japanese, the story still comes across pretty clear to non Japanese readers.
One problem you'll probably have is figuring out how to display it on your shelf. Do you display the fully formed Mechagodzilla or the three Mech's lined in formation?

Or do you go insane and buy 2 of these sets so you can display both?
Look, I cannot influence your decision in anyway, I'm just saying, buy Kaiju figures responsibly. After all, you still need to eat. And it's not like you can eat your figures.

Till next time, I have been your host Gryphon
and I hope you've enjoyed your time here in my lair.
So long...

If you would like to see more from The Gryphon's Lair, Be sure to give my Facebook page a 'LIKE' to see updates and other related stuff. Thanks for reading!

Monday, November 6, 2017


Kinda wish I had a Donny Osmond figure for this set up
The newest "Weird Al" figure from NECA is here. It was quite a long wait for it and I didn't know which iteration to expect. Personally, I thought we would've seen figures based on appearances in his music videos for 'Fat' and 'Amish Paradise'.

I never really considered a 'White and Nerdy' figure, but thinking about it, it does make sense. Al had sort of been on a career break following the tragic death of his parents in April 2004. In 2006, the song 'White and Nerdy' from his 12th album 'Straight Outta Lynwood' ended up becoming one of his most successful songs ever.

So, why not have a figure to commemorate such an accolade? And this is one very nice looking figure.But there are a few issues that I noticed. 

The head is sculpted very well, complete with an appropriate gangsta look like he does in the music video. But if I may draw your attention to the mouth for a second, while the paint for the mustache looks good, there appears to be some sculpt marks indicating that that was were it was supposed to be and now it just sits there awkwordly. 
As for the rest of the facial hair, after comparing the face on the figure to how Al looks in the video, I think the beard looks good but NECA may have overdid it a bit with the soulpatch.


The bandana is nicely sculpted with a lot of folds and creases.
The head can be taken off and replaced with the heads of the previous Weird Al figures. Unfortunately, the head on my figure is on really tight and I've hurt my fingers too many times to try again. I'll have to try the handy dandy hair dryer trick in the future. 

The outfit which consists of a black hoodie with 'White & Nerdy' on the front, a white t-shirt and blue jeans on the figure is made of actual fabric and looks really cool.
His hoodie does have a small zipper on it so the figure can be dispalyed with it open or unzipped. But once you unzip the hoodie, it can be very tricky to zip back up.

There's no interchangeable hands for this Weird Al, but the hands we do get are still appropriate for the figure itself. One being the 'Live Long and Prosper' sign and the other being a generic 'gangsta' hand sign.

Although with the other hand you can also make Al look like he's using the Force. 

The shoes are standard black shoes which compliment the figure well.  

Articulation is largely the same from the past figure.
The head can rotate around all the way around at the neck. Other such movement however is limited. It can tilt left and right and look up slightly, but that's about it.

Arms can bend and rotate at the shoulders and elbows, although the hoodie may cause some hindrance to this, it can be easily worked around. The hands rotate at the wrist and can also bend.

The waist can rotate at the hip. Legs can bend and rotate at the hip, knees bend and the shoes can only bend up and down

The only accessory this figure comes with is a gold chain. And that's it, it's just a gold chain.
Oddly enough, the necklace from the video has some kind of pendant on it that I can't identify. I'm not sure if it wasn't used on the figure because of a copyright or an oversight.
It still looks just fine on the figure though. 

There may be a few small issues with the figure, but I still really like it. Any Weird Al fan would be selling themselves short not to add this figure to their collection. And I intend to keep this figure as cherry as I possibly can for as long as I own it.

Till next time, I have been your host Gryphon
and I hope you've enjoyed your time here in my lair.
So long...

If you would like to see more from The Gryphon's Lair, Be sure to give my Facebook page a 'LIKE' to see updates and other related stuff. Thanks for reading!


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