Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Thoughts on the Godzilla Resurgence Trailer

So in the midst of working on my post about Captain Phasma, I saw that a trailer for Godzilla Resurgence just popped up on the internet. So being the die-hard, giddy fan that I am, I stopped what I was doing and checked it out. And...



I was not expecting to get this good a look at Godzilla, but this trailer shows him off in all of his newly formed glory! At first, I wasn't sure about the idea of a Godzilla that looked basically zombified. Seeing it in action though has warmed me up to it. The arms are still weird to me though, hopefully I warm up to those like I did with 2014's 'Brontosaur feet'.
I am also extremely happy to see that Toho is still using the traditional guy in a suit method that has been famous thoughout the 60 year history. And actually, I thought in some scenes he was actually done with CGI, however there are those saying that it is a suit with enhanced CGI effects on it. I'm sure there will be some parts where Godzilla is digital, but the fact that I couldn't tell if an effect is digital or practical? That is PHENOMENAL! I know it seems silly, but it doesn't look like an effect to me, it looks like...well, GODZILLA!
So, kudos Toho! I really hope to see more Godzilla movies done this way.

We also got a look at the characters, some city destruction scenes and of course you need to have the scenes where the JSDF mobilize their tanks, battleships and jets to try and stop the Big G. I especially love the part where you see all these explosions going off on his body and he just looks like: "Hah! That tickled!"
And so far it looks like Godzilla might be solo this time around. If there is another monster or multiple enemies, I'm pretty sure Toho is keeping that under wraps. But if that's not the case, I won't mind it too much. It'd be kinda refreshing to see Godzilla in a film by himself.

Overall, I'd say this was a pretty good way to get fans hyped for what's to come! I know I am! Godzilla Resurgence opens in Japan on July 29th, 2016, hopefully it comes out in the United States soon after.
What did you think of the trailer? Are you excited? Let me know!

Till next time, I have been your host Gryphon
and I hope you've enjoyed your time here in my lair.
So long...

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1 comment:

  1. I thought the trailer was great. I love Godzilla, but after seeing Godzilla 2014, this version looks stiff, a bit clunky with cool "cheesy" factor. I so much prefer the CGI version. I will be seein' Resurgence many times though!



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