Saturday, April 2, 2016

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice | Gryphon's First Impressions

Disclaimer: This will not be a full review

At the time of this films reveal, fans went nuts. As more information and casting was revealed, fans began to worry. And after the films release, everyone including the fans seemed to utterly hate this movie.

I had a theory that this movie would be the 'Ninja Turtles' of 2016. What I mean is that while critics despised it, the vast majority of moviegoers found it to be an OK and all around entertaining movie.

While I have never been a Ninja Turtles fan, I found the 2014 movie I found it to be just that.

The general consensus of the public was that the movie was good, despite a few flaws, amidst all the negative reception from major media outlets.
I tried my best to just ignore it, look on this film with my own eyes and give it my personal judgement.

And I came away liking this movie.

The casting for this movie is excellent!
Henry Cavill is still good as Superman, as well as most of the returning cast from 'Man of Steel'. Ben Affleck absolutely owns the role of Bruce Wayne/Batman. Gal Gadot, while not in the movie for a lot of time was very good as Wonder Woman, I look forward to seeing her in the upcoming solo film. And Jeremy Irons, I felt was a good choice to play Alfred.
I think Jessie Eisenburg as Lex Luthor is the only real stumble when it comes to casting. He plays the eccentric, mad genius Lex Luthor is known to be, but the eccentric level is a little too cranked up to 12 and should have been lowered (especially in his last scene). He goes full on psycho, and my friend pointed out a fact that I agree with: Jessie Eisenburg would make a better Joker than Jared Leto.

The action scenes are great. The movie is called 'Batman V Superman', and the fight between them is awesomely brutal and suspenseful. While it could've been a bit longer, I was still satisfied. It makes me wonder how different the R-rated cut of this fight is.Then there's the fight between the three main heroes and Doomsday, which was also great. Speaking of Doomsday, not much of a spoiler since the trailer already gives it away (Thanks Warner Bros.), while he looked too much like a troll from Lord of the Rings, he was at least intimidating and had a powerful presence.
While I liked this movie, I already had a sense of how it would play out because of that stupid second trailer and I really hope Warner Bros. as well as other studios take note of this and make better trailers. Still, it wasn't as bad as the first trailer for a certain James Cameron movie from 1997.
I found the dream sequences that Bruce has throughout to be weird, but I could tell right away that they were just that. I'm still confused as to who that red guy was.
While I'm not a super comic book, know-it-all nerd, I at least know what comics they drew inspiration from. Mostly 'The Dark Knight Returns' and (Spoiler) 'The Death of Superman'. The fact that scenes in this movie are directly inspired from those comics is amazing and should make the mouths of those who are comic book junkies foam.

This would be a good time to bring up a point that the internet has gone crazy and lied about. Apparently, Batman kills people in this movie. Well, we only ever see him actually directly shooting at people with a gun in one of the aforementioned DREAM sequences, so that doesn't count. Do they mean the car chase and Batwing parts where he's firing cannons at the bad guy's vehicles? Because he did much of the same stuff in the Nolan films and I didn't hear any complaining. And that gun you see him holding in the trailers? Don't worry, it's just a grenade launcher that fires Kryptonite gas.

And about the Justice League teasing. It didn't dominate the film and I found it to be well done, the fact that Lex Corp had files on all these 'Metahumans' as they call them was a good touch. Seeing the
 teases of Flash, Cyborg and Aquaman along with Wonder Woman got me wanting to know more about them. 

Point is, I enjoyed this movie. While some things could have been handled better, they could have been a LOT worse. I think the only critic you should listen to about this movie is yourself. If you want to see it, see it! If your still unsure about it, then go ahead and rent it. And if you have no interest in seeing this at all, oh well.
I will more than likely buy this movie when it comes out on Blu-ray.

Till next time, I have been your host Gryphon
and I hope you've enjoyed your time here in my lair.
So long...

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