Saturday, August 6, 2016


While I was curious about the Godzilla 2016 and Mechagodzilla 2004 figures, the one figure that I was most excited to own was the Millennium Godzilla, one of my favortie Godzilla designs.

Before this, the only Millenium Godzilla figure I had was from Bandai Creations, the one with the sloppy paint on the dorsal fins. When I saw the pictures of the 3 figures, I was just amazed at how cool the Millenium Godzilla figure looked compared to the Bandai Creations figure. I knew I had to get it!

Seeing this figure in person, it blew my expectations away. This is a very awesome figure. The head looks very nice, everything looks great from the skin, the teeth, the eyes and even the ears. And the inside of the mouth is painted red which is always a nice touch.

The body as a whole is really good. The sculpt is pretty spot on and the coloring is the signature Charcaol grey with a hint of Green added to it. The arms and legs look great with pretty good coloring and proportions. There are little spiky bumps on the shoulders and hips, a small detail which I feel look really nice.
The arms and legs also have the only articulation on this figure. The arms twist at the shoulder and the legs rotate at the waist.

The dorsal plates are amazingly sculpted and I love the shiny purple paint used for them.

The tail is nicely sculpted and while the spines may not be painted I still think it looks pretty good.

What I love most about this figure is how it looks exactly like it does in the movie. So for the comparison pics I have it standing next to the SH MonsterArts Godzilla 2000 Millenium figure, which is based on an unused concept for the movie. While I prefer the final version, I still really like the SHMA version and I am very happy to own both figures.

And one last group shot of the 3 figures.

This is a very good representation of the Millennium Godzilla. If you can only get one of these 3 figures, get this one! 'Nuff said!

Till next time, I've been your host Gryphon
and I hope you've enjoyed your time here in my lair
So long...

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